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Do you believe that men can have babies? Apple apparently does. Fox News reports:

A “pregnant man” emoji and “pregnant person” emoji are coming to Apple iPhones with its latest update, iOS 15.4 sparking controversy.

The pregnant emoji aren’t new for some, since they arrived as part of an update that emoji-encyclopedia Emojipedia announced in September 2021. However, Apple’s version of the emoji were released Thursday as part of iOS 15.4 beta — a voluntary system update iPhone users can choose to install.

The push to include everyone in pregnancy has erupted in controversy, with some cultural commentators arguing that the effort to make the biologically specific phenomenon all-inclusive erases factors that make women distinctive from men and even dehumanizes women.

[…]According to health website, people who were born biologically female but identify as men are transgender men who can give birth because they have the reproductive organs necessary to do so — especially those who do not take or have stopped taking testosterone. The same goes for those who identify as non-binary.

It is unclear how many men have gotten pregnant or delivered babies in the United States. At least 22 men in Australia gave birth in 2018, The Daily Mail reported, citing the country’s Medicaid data.
Actually, it is clear how many actual men have given birth: zero, nil, none, zilch.

Trans-activists perform a linguistic sleight-of-hand. They claim that sex is biological but gender is about “feeling”, for lack of a better description. But then without a hint of shame, they say that someone who identifies as the opposite gender is in fact that opposite sex, and hence it follows that men can have babies.

As for Apple, where to start – an iMac update that turned users’ Macs into expensive bricks; apps that suddenly stop working properly like their calendar app that no longer shows holidays if you live in particular countries; a broke “reminders” app; removal of the home button from the latest iPads. And that’s just what I personally know of.

But hey, it’s more important to be woke, right?

Oh, on the off-chance Apple’s lawyers are reading this, all the above is totally and absolutely untrue. Apple products are all of impeccable quality and I  mean that. Seriously. Honest. Cross my heart and hope to die.
