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Dong for attention. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD


You have to wonder how much the New Zealand population is not being told, thanks to the left wing, Ardern-adoring NZ media.

It has been reported in The Australian this week that New Zealand is an outlier in not criticising the World Health Organisation report into the origins of the coronavirus. The article is headed “NZ shuts its eyes to appease China” and goes on to state that New Zealand has refused to stand with Australia and its other Five Eyes partners in condemning the WHO investigation into the origins of the virus.  Statements have been released by 4 of the Five Eyes nations – the US, Britain, Canada and Australia – as well as by Japan, South Korea and eight other countries.

The article states, “But in Wellington, the Ardern government said it needed more time before it would comment on the report, even though it has been circulating among WHO members for days.

“Our technical experts are currently analysing the report”, a spokeswoman for New Zealand Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta told The Australian.  “As this is a scientific report, we want to make sure we understand the science before making any comment,” she said. While Australia’s relationship with China has imploded during the pandemic, New Zealand has become Beijing’s favourite member of the Five Eyes group”.

Not surprisingly, there is barely a mention of this important development in the New Zealand media. There is a short video on the NZ Herald site, which states that the virus is unlikely to have come from a lab.  Stuff is silent on the issue.

New Zealand is a small nation with a limited defence capability, yet to all appearances prefers to cosy up to China and turn its back on its traditional allies. It is no surprise that New Zealand has been left out of the Quad alliance comprising Australia, Japan, India and the US.  Again, this has barely received a mention in the New Zealand media.

Dong for attention. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD

New Zealand took its first steps on its isolationist journey under David Lange when he all but torpedoed the Anzus alliance with his refusal to allow nuclear-powered ships into New Zealand waters.  However, under Ardern, the move away from our traditional allies has gathered momentum.  She is now treated with derision in Australia, first with her lecturing Australia on the rights of Kiwis living in Australia, then on the deportation of criminals.  Add to that the dithering over a trans-Tasman bubble and now her standing virtually alone in the world in not condemning the investigation over the origins of Covid-19.

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