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Ardern Is Creating a Nation of Bludgers

Would it surprise you to find out that this Government has made the majority of Kiwis welfare bludgers? This week’s budget has confirmed that 81 per cent of Kiwis are in receipt of some form of support, either through the Winter Energy Payment or the cost-of-living payment. We’ve quite literally become a nation of bludgers.

81 per cent! Tim Beveridge is aghast, as am I:

For most of us though, the immediate question is what’s the Government going to do for us, and our focus on the cost of living and the constant headlines around inflation?

The Government answer to this is $27.00 a week for three months, making a total of $350.00 for low income earners.

Wow, is that it? What a shame.

It leaves me wondering whether the obvious solution has been avoided simply because it was the opposition’s idea.

Grant Robertson was asked what he was doing for the “squeezed middle”. His response was to note that 81 per cent of New Zealanders are now getting some form of support, either through the Winter Energy Payment or the cost-of-living payment.

So 81 per cent of working age New Zealanders receiving some level of state support. So in response to inflation and the cost of living, his response is to turn 81 per cent of us into beneficiaries of the Government, and that is the problem.


A massive problem. Kiwis used to be a can-do group of people. Now, after gold-plated bludging under Covid, they’ve become a can’t-be-arsed group of people.

The problem with widespread thinking that the government can pick up the tab is that it creates systemic bludging, where only a few pay and the rest take.

And the problem with this level of socialism is that, eventually, you run out of other people’s money to give to the indigent and wastrels.

That’s why I think that this budget, for most New Zealanders, is a fail.

Over the past couple of years, with lockdowns increasing Government involvement and intrusion into our lives, we’ve also seen a massive growth in government bureaucracy and more and more, I reckon, the Government is turning us into a nation of people who look first toward the Government for answers and not to ourselves.


We saw that attitude from Grant Robertson on Newshub with Ryan Bridge.

Basically, when you sift through all the bluster and weasel words, what Grant Robertson is really saying is that they know better than you what your own money should be spent on. He also thinks that welfare payments aren’t inflationary but taking less money from you by way of tax is terrible for inflation.

Of course, he’s wrong and Treasury told him that, but like all good socialists, he knows better than Treasury it seems.

For me, I would have seen a simple adjustment to the tax thresholds as a commonsense answer to putting money in the pockets of New Zealanders, so they can make their own choices. Instead, we’re turned into beneficiaries.


Yes, you are being turned into bludgers, and the government is quite happy expanding the bludger class.

They devalue hard work and value bludging.

The message to business owners and hard workers is…emigrate, you are only wanted here to plough more of your hard-earned cash into more and more bludgers.

New Zealand is fast becoming the Venezuela of the South Pacific and it has all happened very fast indeed. Putting it right, however, will take much much longer and be extremely painful.

I pity the government that has to fix it all up. The good thing is that people may well have learned that the bitter pill of socialism has yet again proven to be a poison pill.

Mmm, Socialism. Be a good girl now and drink it all up.

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