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Image credit The BFD.

This week the Labour Party gloated about their ‘amazing’ leader doing wonderful things overseas on our behalf.

As you may know, our amazing PM has wrapped up a landmark White House meeting with President Biden, capping her hugely successful first trip to the US since COVID.

I’m emailing just to say how proud I am that we’re lead by such an exceptional Prime Minister.

This morning President Biden told the PM “your leadership has taken on a critical role on this global stage”, and I couldn’t agree more. Jacinda is also New Zealand’s best ambassador by a long, long way. We’re so fortunate to have her promoting our businesses and our values, from Stephen Colbert to the White House. And then there was Harvard…

I was lucky enough to be in Boston last week, and got to attend Jacinda’s Harvard address. The media reports weren’t kidding – it was an a truly incredible speech. Honestly, no other world leader could have delivered it. I can’t do it justice in an email, but if you haven’t already, I really recommend having a read or taking a look. I promise, you won’t regret it.

As we reconnect with the world there’ll be many more opportunities for the PM to shine a light for New Zealand around the world. Whenever she does, we all reap the rewards.
I hope you’re as proud of our PM as I am.

Nga mihi,
Claire Szabó,
Labour President

How is Ardern promoting NZ businesses when she is directly responsible for the closure of so many of them during her draconian lockdowns? Why is anyone proud of her socialist values exposed when she instructed us not to talk to neighbours and to dob in friends and family?

Singlehandedly, and at times unlawfully, Ardern has created a racially divided, economically challenged and less productive country.

This was not the NZ she presented to the US and this is my response to the Labour Party president:

No, I am not proud of Ardern. I am embarrassed by her behaviour and sad for the vulnerable New Zealanders disenfranchised by a PM who talks about kindness but acts like a monster.

The NZ I know has its highest rate of gang violence ever (7 shootings last week), child poverty is at an all time high, the housing market prohibitively, and petrol ridiculously, expensive; raising the cost of basic necessities.

The poor are worse off under the Ardern Government. Most depend on government handouts just to survive. How long do you think this will last given our waning productivity following widespread business failures?

Under Ardern’s watch we have increased poverty and mental health problems (including teenage suicide) and a whole nation cowering in fear, masked up, jabbed to the max and still getting sick and dying from Covid.

Take off your rose-coloured glasses and look at where we are now. It is not a pretty sight. Don’t blame Covid: blame Ardern because her bad decisions are destroying us.

Ardern can’t show her face in public in NZ due to angry protesters.

She courts media adulation overseas but her disastrous reign is ending because she is hated and despised for violating human rights.

Bragging about a successful meeting with Sleepy Joe is laughable – do you know what an idiot he is? Reuters report his public support at 36% and dropping! Even the Dems admit he’s a disaster.

Get jabbed or get fired didn’t work for Ardern or any of the 120 MPs who agreed and refused to stand up for the right to choose. Ardern took away personal freedom and choice, and every MP that agreed with her should bundle up their bigotry and leave now. They are miserable human beings guided by a flaky prime minister.

Busted over the Covid farce, she returns to Plan A, the climate change scam; predictably another expensive failure. How do you suppose the national grid will support the number of proposed electric cars by 2030 after Ardern ended oil and gas exploration, closed Marsden Point and shut down coal mining, only to import exorbitantly expensive Indonesian coal when we could be producing it here?

Ardern’s vaccine mandate was found to be illegal after police and defence staff challenged it in the high court. How do you think the thousands of people feel now after they lost their jobs, some their homes too, for refusing to be vaccinated?

The vaccine is effective and safe she said, but the Pfizer vax is neither. How did vaccination work out for the three people who died after receiving it, or the thousands left injured? How are the compliant feeling now after being vaccinated and boosted and getting sick and dying anyway?

Ardern’s exceptional success is in her ability to wreck lives.

She asked us to rat out family and friends and not talk to neighbours during lockdown. Her Covid fiasco lasted two awful years and she’s not done yet!

Our economy is collapsing and what does Ardern do? She switches to climate change and then swans off overseas on a jaunt that won’t help anyone back home. Even overseas media see through the lies.

Save your media spin for the six o’clock news which Ardern paid for. Nobody believes her anyway.
