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Jacinda-Antoinette. Photoshopped image credit Pixy. The BFD.

James Macpherson’s article in the Australian Spectator about Jacinda Ardern decrying war and suggesting diplomacy as the best solution to disputes such as the one between China and Taiwan reminds me of Ardern’s war against NZ citizens.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has revealed her solution to Chinese aggression – diplomacy, diplomacy, diplomacy!

With China threatening Taiwan, expanding its economic and military influence in the Pacific, and behaving aggressively toward anyone who dares to criticise it, Ms Ardern told a foreign policy think tank in London that everyone needed to talk, talk, talk.”

Ardern is a hypocrite for suggesting talk over violence to solve a dispute. She did not “talk, talk talk” with the Wellington protesters who had already lost their jobs, and some their homes, for refusing her experimental mRNA vaccine, instead she used physical violence against them via her bully boy Mallard and the NZ police!

Kindness. Photoshopped image credit Wibble. The BFD.

I entered into Ardern’s war when I refused the Pfizer Covid mRNA vaccine. At the outset of the vaccination programme the promise of success was limited to Pfizer’s observations hidden in a secret agreement between Pfizer and the NZ Government and Pfizer’s own trials which it tried, unsuccessfully, to keep hidden from public view for the next 75 years!

Pfizer’s promises of vaccine efficacy turned out to be very short-term protection against the original Wuhan strain; with subsequent Covid mutations not as lethal as Ardern’s bought and paid for media told us they would be.

Naturally, the NZ media are not my one source of truth because if it were I would be vaccinated and boosted along with most of the country. Fortunately for myself and others, the rest of the world was at least a year ahead in the Covid pandemic when Ardern was strutting the world stage prematurely claiming NZ’s victory over Covid.

Ardern’s war on Covid became a war on her own citizens.

While New Zealand hunkered down for two years trapped like rats waiting for Covid to spread through the rest of the world, and presumably miss New Zealand entirely while WHO came up with a more effective (expensive) vaccine, Ardern created a lottery system preventing New Zealanders in Covid-ridden countries from coming home, thereby infringing NZ citizens’ rights.

To the subservient and naive, Ardern was regarded as a saviour but to the unvaccinated, Ardern was a tyrant and a bully who used the indoctrinated, vaccinated and boosted Joe Public to persecute the unvaccinated.

It seems laughable now, but I can assure readers that Ardern made unvaccinated lives hell.

Ardern’s war on the unvaccinated meant breadwinners lost their jobs and some their homes. We were refused medical treatment, alienated from terrified friends and family, could not get our hair cut or eat out and socialise. It was an awful time where Ardern pitted the majority of New Zealanders against the smaller minority, dividing family and friends, some permanently.

No welcome for the Unvaccinated. Photo supplied The BFD.
Ardern made the unvaccinated pariahs in her war on Covid.

Make no mistake, Ardern’s war was a real war fought not with military-grade weapons but with media-controlled Covid propaganda including stern warnings of “Covid disinformation” outside Ardern’s “one source of truth”.

Ardern recruited not only family members but employees of large and small businesses up and down the country who also made pariahs of the unvaccinated.

Meme of the day. Credit The BFD.

It was a brilliant strategy that failed when the vaccine did not work as promised.

Ardern lost the war on Covid when Covid came to NZ rampaging through the population exactly as it had done overseas. The vaccine does not prevent Covid spreading or keep people out of hospital and the mortuary.

Ardern lost her war against the unvaccinated, who were vindicated as time revealed that the vaccine was largely ineffective. Long-term side effects are now appearing which is only to be expected from an experimental product.

The WHO and China played their part in the Covid pandemic and Ardern appointed the Director-General of Health, Ashley Bloomfield, to lead her war. Bloomfield has fallen on his sword along with four other top-level health officials who may escape scrutiny for their part in one of the biggest cons of the century.

An NZ public inquiry is certainly called for but, with no support from the political parties who are themselves culpable for standing by and watching the travesty unfold, it may not happen.
