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Ardern’s NZ Legacy: Part Two

The BFD.

Guy Hatchard PhD

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID)



Where Do Ardern’s Policies Originate?

Ardern’s Covid policies have enjoyed the uncritical support of NZ legacy media. Large cash grants to mainstream media outlets have cemented their support. This has been ably propped up by the quaint Ardern directive that the government should be your only source of information, all other sources are mere grains of salt. But where does the government get its information from?

We are told that Ardern begins her day with a cup of coffee and a phone call with Helen Clark (a former NZ PM and Ardern mentor). Clark is recognised as a vocal supporter of the WHO and an advocate of tighter controls on social media content. My own experience is illustrative. In December, I put up a ten-minute video of slides entitled 2021 Covid Stats For Kiwis. It solely contained official NZ government statistics about the pandemic and our economy. It registered 20,000 views in a week but was then taken down by YouTube on the advice of the Ministry of Health.

Under Ardern, if government statistics are an embarrassment, they are hidden from the public. This allows government policy and propaganda to be formulated detached from reality.

Pharmaceutical Professionals Welcome Ardern

The Ministry of Health and the vast majority of medical professionals appear to fully support Ardern. This was helped by the sacking of dissenting GPs and the suspension of all medical professionals who are unvaccinated, including those who advocate alternative remedies. The fear factor that Ardern promotes is evident here.

Whistle blowers like to remain anonymous and speak in hushed whispers of wards overwhelmed with vaccine-related cardiac case loads. The links of MoH with global pharmaceutical-based health policies are strong. Our medicines regulator Medsafe is a member of the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authority (ICMRA), a non-governmental body formed in 2014 which has close links to the WHO and the pharmaceutical industry. It supplies policy documents to Medsafe via a shared database which are used in turn to inform our Government’s Covid policy.

Former labour governments under Clark have twice tabled legislation to control natural health products using policy information shared by ICMRA. Both initiatives failed due to vocal public opposition in New Zealand. The motivation behind such legislation lies with the desire of global pharmaceutical/biotechnology/agrichemical industries to dominate global food chains and over the counter natural remedies. Even without the legislative controls, they seek, food industry additives and highly processed foods ingredients have begun to fall into their hands. Biotech freely uses the term ‘natural’ to describe food additives and supplements designed in laboratories.

The MoH has long sought to exclude anything alternative or natural from its practice. In the nineties, I made a presentation to the MoH committee which approves new approaches. I presented published evidence of the benefits of regular short meditation sessions for general health, reduced blood pressure, and enhanced immunity. The chairman of the committee took me aside at the end of the meeting, put his arm around my shoulder, and said “you know Guy, we are never going to do anything like this, if people get healthy enmass medical professional incomes will fall, no one in our profession wants that.”

Even at this point in time, the determination of our medical profession, led by the MoH, to maintain the stranglehold of pharmaceutical approaches to health was evident. Yet the reluctance of the public to fully adopt modern medicine to the exclusion of every other approach was also evident. Opposition to GM foods and natural health regulation was high.

Ardern Opened the Doors to Foreign Control

For a small country like New Zealand, it was formerly an objective to minimise foreign control by financial giants who are essentially predatory of our national interests. The developers and manufacturers of new biotechnology medicines were thus well aware that their introduction had to be carefully planned and curated. Despite the appalling safety record of gene therapy, a biotechnology dream was fashioned by their PR army—a cure for all illnesses and a prescription for long life. A stream of press statements released over time began to tease a golden biotech future. In 2017 a Stuff article listed 93 lobbyists with access to parliament. Among them, Medicines NZ which lobbied Andrew Little to bypass our drug purchasing agency Pharmac and fund Keytruda.

Lobbyists facilitate access to politicians for companies including drug companies. A great deal of lobbying essentially consists of building relationships and articulating the reasons for policy improvements. It also includes a process of building up ‘what if’ dreams in the minds of busy politicians. From her limited grasp of ‘science’ and her almost childish use of the term, Ardern appears unaware of the dangers of foreign influence.

The Wrong Leaders to Host Change

The world as a whole is certainly facing a raft of serious problems in the not too distant future—climate change and associated food shortages, ocean desertification, endangered biodiversity, and environmental pollution. The frustration with the lack of action on these problems has played into a call for stronger action. This has led to calls for stronger leadership. People like Ardern and Luxon appear to fit the bill, but do they? Both are controlling personalities born to rule us, but what is really required is carefully balanced knowledge, broad consensus, and continuing feedback as steps are taken, not one-way traffic, inflexible ideas, dismissal of questions, and refusal to change course like the leader of the Light Brigade.

The assault on basic freedoms and cultural values will not be easy to rectify. The climate of regulated and restricted information, media control, and mandated obedience has been cemented into place.

The threshold of magical thinking has been crossed. The endlessly renewed stream of unopposed disinformation stoking fear and division is designed to make us forget who we are and what we stand for.

It is unlikely that any newly elected party will seek to change that.

The growth of power has its own momentum. History however tells another story. Marginalising and impoverishing large sections of a population through totalitarian control is a well-worn path to social disruption and conflict.

Public attitudes have hardened on both sides of an artificial divide, but with over 50,000 New Zealanders reporting vaccine injuries in a country of 5 million, almost everyone now has a friend or family member affected.

The ramping up of a renewed fear-based narrative for Omicron no longer rings true. Ardern’s net approval rating has plummeted from +55% at the time of the 2020 election to +15% last week. Now is the time to make our voice heard.
