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Are the Climate Marches Really Student-led?

Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old leader of a global protest against inaction on climate change, marched at a rally in New York City Friday. Around the world, millions of other people joined her.

A reader of The BFD has done some digging into who is behind the so-called student-led Climate marches, and this article is about what they discovered.

The truth about who runs School Strike 4 Climate.

Contrary to popular belief, and the young people who falsely claim to be the organisers of a wholly student-led protest movement, those who really control things are extreme Left-wing organisations with direct links to Greenpeace, the Australian Workers Union, the Australian Green Party and Labor MP Bill Shorten among others.

School Strike 4 Climate is based in Australia, but it is also the power behind the New Zealand operation, as can be seen on each page of the New Zealand version of their website:

“Massive thanks to our Australian friends at

Strike 4 Climate NZ website

So, just who is behind all this? Firstly, there is the Australian Youth Climate Coalition:

“A school strike today promoted as a “student-led protest” by thousands of children skipping classes to attend climate change rallies around the nation has been organ­ised by a network of adult activists from climate campaign organisations.
The primary backer of the planned­ student walkout called School Strike 4 Climate Action is the Australian Youth Climate Coal­ition, a non-profit company registered as a charity with an all-adult board and 68 adult staff.
The AYCC was set up a decade ago to mobilise young people on climate action by Anna Rose, an adult activist and the wife of former GetUp national director and Greens candidate Simon Sheikh.
The adult-controlled AYCC has extensive links to other clim­ate action and anti-Adani groups with large campaign budgets, ­including the Sunrise Project, GetUp and Greenpeace.
Another key group helping with organisation is the recently formed Climate Leaders, members of the all-adult Climate Leaders board include Django Merope Synge, a national campaigner for GetUp recently involved­ with Ms McPhail in the campaign to oust Tony Abbott at the expected May election, and Chris Cooper, a campaigner for GetUp offshoot group Purpose.”

The Australian

What is ‘Getup’, and who is behind it?

The founding board member of GetUp is Bill Shorten. He was the head of the Australian Workers Union at the time and personally authorised $100,000 in members’ funds to be given as a donation to GetUp.
Another founding Board Member was Cate Faehrmann – she’s a Greens NSW MP, and before that was Chief of staff to Greens Leader Richard di Natale.
Australia’s most militant union the CFMEU gave the largest single donation in GetUp’s history with a $1.2 million gift to GetUp – which in turn campaigned against controls on union thuggery and lawlessness.”

Wakeup to Getup

Other major forces behind the movement are Charlie Wood and Alex Fuller.

“Wood is Australian Campaigns Director of, an environmentalist activist organisation with a presence in 188 countries. It had a US$16.8 million total revenue in 2017, and public records show wealthy foundations such as the George Soros-funded Tides Foundation have collectively funneled in tens of millions of dollars to since its founding in 2007. The CEO of in Australia, Blair Palese, was a board member of Greenpeace Australia Pacific. Greenpeace has collectively received billions of dollars from establishment-run foundations such as the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Tides Foundation, and the Schmidt Family Foundation established by former Google CEO Eric Schmidt. The late Lord Peter Melchett, heir to the Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) fortune, was executive director of Greenpeace UK.
[…] Fuller is Communications Manager of the Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC), which had a total income of more than $2.8 million in 2017 alone. The two co-founders of GetUp, Harvard graduates Jeremy Heimans and David Madden, both worked for the Soros-funded in the USA.”

Citizens Electoral Council

The platform that School Strike 4 Climate operates on over the internet is one that was created solely for the promotion of Left-wing ideologies; this is something that they openly admit.

Action Network is financed by The Action Network Fund, a 501(c) charitable organization dedicated to helping progressive organizations, and is, according to their own words, a promoter of socialism.

“The Action Network Fund is working to restore balance to our economy and to create shared prosperity and a more just society.”


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