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Are ‘They’ Really Trying to Depopulate the World?

blue and brown globe on persons hand
Photo by Greg Rosenke. The BFD.
‘Prepare for change’.

The Exposé headline screams –

Is Deagel’s 2025 Depopulation Nightmare Unfolding? A Startling Correlation with Shocking Quadruple Vaccinated Mortality Rates Certainly Suggests So…

For example, USA – 68.5%, Australia – 34.6%, and Puerto Rico – 68%.

In April 2021, the enigmatic intelligence firm quietly erased its staggering 2025 global depopulation forecast, a document forecasting a dramatic decline in populations of key countries like the United Kingdom, United States, Germany etc.
This drastic prediction, which vanished from the public eye after garnering huge attention during the alleged COVID-19 pandemic, has since been shrouded in whispers and theories, only to resurface amidst startling new health data.            

The Exposé, 31 October 23

Prepare for change, we are warned.

A controversial forecast by Deagel, a global intelligence and consulting firm, gained attention in 2020 for its startling prediction of a significant depopulation event across the Western World by 2025.This was a very bold claim to make.
Your government is trying to kill you’ is even bolder. But unfortunately, these bold claims are now backed up with a mountain of evidence, and most of that evidence can be found in the confidential Pfizer documents that the U.S. Food & Drug Administration has been forced to publish by court order.
And sadly, the evidence strongly suggests that Covid-19 vaccination is causing mass depopulation.                                                    

Derek Knauss, 4 January 24

It is said that Deagel tracks countries’ economies, but mainly tracks their military capabilities and technologies.

We are living in strange times. People are exceedingly mindful of others and their motives. They are still reeling from the aftermath of four years of COVID tyranny and the resultant lack of trust. That a predicted global depopulation may well be underway is believable to some. Serious depopulation could come from the Pfizer jabs, as they are proven to be unsafe; especially for pregnant women and fit young adult males.

Some possible reasons for a decline in the world’s population:

  1. The cost of living requires both parents to work.
  2. The increase in the cost of living limits the number of children a couple chooses.
  3. A work culture that takes both parents away from their family.
  4. Freely available contraceptives and abortions.
  5. Homosexuality.
  6. Transgender castrating surgery and hormone/puberty blocker therapy.
  7. Global rollout of untested experimental mRNA injections causing alarming excess deaths.
  8. Denigrating assaults on men and women and the family unit.
  9. Bioweapons accidently or deliberately released from laboratories.
  10. War, especially nuclear war.

The disclaimer in the Deagel report indicates real concerns,

The collapse of the Western financial system – and ultimately the Western civilization – has been the major driver in the forecast along with a confluence of crisis with a devastating outcome. As COVID has proven Western societies embracing multiculturalism and extreme liberalism are unable to deal with any real hardship.

Western countries have no resilience. We, the people, a once bold-faced statement, became a feeble wheeze during COVID-19. For quite some time there was very little push-back let alone a fight back against draconian, restrictive, undemocratic, socially divisive and even criminal governmental controls.

Western society on the whole, took a subservient puppy belly-up position. A ‘get in behind’ whistle by the master was all it took. Until finally a protest in New Zealand. A large spontaneous convoy of vehicles drove from both ends of NZ to Parliament, starting the beginning of the end of a disastrous Prime Ministership. We, the people at last said, ‘enough is enough.’

The hysteria of depopulation began in the 1960s. They said, the planet is overcrowded and has too many people. There will be starvation due to bleak fragile food systems and chains, resulting in food shortages and poverty as natural resources wane. More recently, the ludicrous WEF said the planet is at risk of ‘boiling’, and that will be the end of civilisation as we know it.

Writers like Stephanie Feldstein in the Scientific American (4 May 2023) writes glaring headlines ‘Population Decline will Change the World for the Better – A future with fewer people offers opportunity and a healthy environment’. Like other greenies she is mixed up with her own beliefs and gives conflicting views. On one side she states if we sort out the planet, by not using fossil fuels etc, we will be OK but on the other hand she says she very much likes the thought of depopulation for a better future.

In terms of depopulation, it comes as no surprise that wealthy oligarchs like Putin and Zuckerburg have underground mansions or city bunkers. If the dire predictions of world depopulation do come to pass and people die around them, they will be safe.

Jordan Peterson here warns that many countries have already reached below replacement population.

We are at a crossroads – and we decide what happens next, says Scientific America.

Is this sensational talk of depopulating the world just garbage?

Or worryingly too late, and already beyond our control?

Is it time to fight back?
