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Are We Ready to Admit It’s Done?

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – APRIL 08: Supporters of Palestine demonstrate in Times Square against recent events between Israel and Palestinians that have resulted in deaths in both communities on April 08, 2023 in New York City. Raids by Israeli police on the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the most holy Muslim site in Jerusalem, have resulted in a surge in violence across the region in recent days. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Are we ready yet to admit that Multiculturalism has failed the West? Not just failed, but white-anted Western civilisation to the point of near collapse.

I’m talking, of course, about “Capital-M” Multiculturalism, rather than small-m multiculturalism. The latter is merely the commonplace reality of cultural exchange, a process that is as old as humanity.

Capital-M Multiculturalism is a very different beast. The governing conceit of our capital-M Multiculturalist elites is that all cultures are equal. No culture can be criticised or held to be inferior to another. Every culture has its ‘own truth’. To even suggest that another culture is ‘primitive’ or ‘backwards’ is not just offensive – it’s almost certainly ‘racist’.

The only culture exempt from this idiotic cultural relativism is, of course, Western culture. The West is uniquely evil and oppressive. Which is, in fact, very real racism. A fact given away by the damnation of Western culture as ‘whiteness’.

The double-standard was in full flight in 2005, after the Cronulla riots. The media and chattering classes whipped themselves up into a frenzy over the flag-caped goons on Cronulla beach that day.

What they didn’t, and still don’t, talk about is what happened that night: convoys of carloads of hundreds of Lebanese men cruised the streets of Sydney, bashing and knifing anyone who looked ‘Aussie’. Hundreds of windows were smashed, women were threatened with rape, and several people were stabbed – one so viciously that the knife snapped off in his back.

The media had form on this, of course. Sydney had not much earlier been rocked by reports of gangs of Lebanese youths abducting and pack-raping ‘Aussie’ girls. The media decried even reporting the facts of these crimes as ‘racist’.

The chattering left’s double standards have only grown in the years since. Now, they’re not just turning a blind eye to the vicious racism of “Multicultural” groups, but joining in. When hundreds of Sydney Muslims chanted “Gas the Jews!”, the Greens were marching right alongside them. The chattering left are joining in the pile-on against Australian Jews with Kristallnacht fervour.

Some of those proclaiming such race hate would have been Australian born; while others would have been mere residents and, therefore, never exposed to a values test. But many would have been recent citizens, Australians of convenience perhaps, who ­assented to something they didn’t believe in order to gain a privilege.

While history shows there have been racial uprisings in the past (think the Irish rebels at Castle Hill in 1804), there’s really no precedent for the current levels of racial and religious violence […]

What have we done to our country in accepting migrants so at odds with mainstream Australian thinking?

Sheepishly knuckled under to the intolerant dogma of Multiculturalism, that’s what.

In a powerful and prescient speech delivered a few weeks prior to October 7, British Home Secretary Suella Braverman, ­herself the child of Mauritian and Kenyan immigrants of Indian background, attacked multiculturalism as it’s practised in most Western countries. “Uncontrolled immigration, inadequate integration and a misguided dogma of multiculturalism,” she said, “have proven a toxic combination for Europe over the last few decades.”

To paraphrase Mark Steyn, you can have a pluralistic, tolerant, multicultural society – or you can have a Multicultural one. You can’t have both.

“Multiculturalism,” she said, “makes no demands of the incomer to integrate.”

“It has failed,” she said, “because it allowed people to come to our society and live parallel lives in it. They could be in the society but not of the society. And in extreme cases, they could pursue lives aimed at undermining the stability and threatening the security of our society.”

As former PM John Howard recently said, if people want to emigrate to a country then they must adopt the values and practices of that country. This is, after all, something most Westerners are polite enough to do if they emigrate to, say, Japan or France. It’s something the Swiss very much demand of immigrants, especially if they want Swiss citizenship, which is guarded carefully.

But that’s hardly what’s happening with at least some of our recent immigrant communities. Nearly all of those found guilty of terrorist offences in Australian courts have been recent immigrants from the Middle East.

Most, indeed, were refugees, generously given a safe haven in Australia. Generosity they returned with knives, bombs and car-rammings.

So, what do we do?

A good start – for many reasons – is slashing immigration across the board.

But what’s really needed is a much stronger expectation of people that, whatever their background, to use Tony Abbott’s term, they’ll join “Team Australia” […]

Another problem we must tackle head on is mosques and ­Islamic centres that spew violence and hate under the guise of religious preaching. In Britain and France, the failure of successive governments to take this threat seriously has enabled some Islamic institutions to become de facto radicalisation centres and we cannot allow that to become further entrenched here. Entities of concern should all be audited, sermons translated and assessed for hate speech and any government support or charitable status urgently reviewed.

Which is, indeed, what several European countries have either proposed or enacted. Although, for Europe, it mostly seems a case of shutting the tent flap after the camel has bolted.

We must also call out the false flag of all-but-non-existent “Islamophobia” trotted out by politicians of the Left whenever they’re forced to condemn demonstrable and rampant anti-Semitism.

The Australian

This applies to the political class, especially. With antisemitism spiralling in the US, including the murder of Jews, what is the Biden administration making its priority? ‘Tackling Islamophobia’. When Sydney’s Muslims chanted for the death of Jews, Labor MP Jihad Dib whined about “Islamophobia”.

It’s long past time to treat such glass-jawed cry-bullying with the contempt it deserves.

It’s time to remember that, it may not be perfect, but the West – the culture which gave the world democracy, science and human rights – really is the best.


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