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Photo by Oliur. The BFD.

Lewis Andrew

Our Labour government seems to love wasting money. So nothing should surprise me at this point. But what I heard today when driving home had me shouting “That’s crap!” at my car radio. Here’s the offending statement.

One of the best ways to boost our immunity against COVID-19 and protect ourselves from getting really sick is a booster.

In addition, I, and no doubt all New Zealanders received a colour flyer from Mummy government in my mailbox nagging me to get my flu vaccine and covid booster.

Does anyone actually still believe this foolishness? Who is actually getting the boosters? I know plenty of people who had multiple boosters and have had terrible immunity since. Stories of getting COVID-19 three times among these people are not something unusual. Meanwhile, my unvaccinated friends seem to be soldiering on pretty well thank you very much.

My trust in the health authorities is at an all-time low. Their senseless masking protocols (and I don’t just mean the physical masks) and their one-eyed approach to what must be one of the worst vaccines in history are pathetic and suggest they are beholden to interests other than public health. On covid, I don’t think they know what they are talking about, and I’m starting to think that on the basics my common sense is going to be more helpful than listening to government health bureaucrats.

Not only are these advertisements a waste of money, but they highlight how slow centralised systems are at responding to new data. I guess at least we’ve moved on from the lies that if you get vaccinated you won’t get or transmit covid, or that you won’t get sick or die. Credit where credit’s due, our dim-witted system has finally admitted in this advert that there are other ways of protecting yourself against covid such as keeping active and eating good nutritious meals, something seemingly forgotten when South Aucklanders were bribed with KFC to get vaccinated despite evidence clearly demonstrating that apart from age, obesity was a key reason covid 19 proved fatal.

Get your booster? Yeah nah.


It’s Not Bullying

It’s Not Bullying

The media are the biggest cry-bullies there are. They are wailing because Google is going to walk if they end up being taxed to protect failing media companies.

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