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Are You Concerned About the New Coalition?

Three wise men. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD

Rod Kane

One of the good things about getting to your 70s and still having enough ability to walk or ride a bike and enough nous to argue in comfort, is the fact that we no longer care what you think.

We didn’t get to this age because we rode motorbikes drunk with no helmets, or gave in to the demands of people that we have zero respect for. We got this far because we have miles of common sense and now have a lifetime of experience to lean on.

So when some self-entitled little brown or white snot tells me that they are more entitled to this country than I am, they won’t even get the trouble of a reply. Maybe a sneer or a caustic laugh but that would be it.

The fact is there is not an indigenous person in this country that exists unless you count us all in. All the previous inhabitants are dead, including those that arrived thousands of years before Maori but became part of their menu.

So at this age we oldies are probably more indigenous than anyone, having trampled the national sod longer than anyone else. Not that it matters one jot.

The left are having their own personal crisis. All the blowhard trumpeting from the likes of Rawiri and Packer means exactly 100% squat. In reality, they represent 2.7 per cent of the population and all extreme racist nutters at that. Who cares?

The Greens are even more dire. Has anyone else noticed that the butt-horrible Marama has gone dead quiet? This is because they are falling apart at the seams, which were very badly stitched in the first place. Golly and the other self-entitled trougher did us all a favour.

The entire left has just driven itself into a massive bog, all by themselves and with nobody to winch them out. All the ideology and all the billions wasted on harebrained schemes came to absolutely zero. However, it has to be said that the Maori activist elite like Jackson, Tamihere, underpants Tuku and Mahuta and any Labour-appointed, brown bureaucrat will be laughing all the way to the bank while ‘their people’ get nothing. So much for their ‘kindness’.

They were ably assisted by what has to be the worst and most evil Prime Minister this country has ever had the misfortune to endure, plus a conspiring caucus and cabinet of troughers looking after themselves and their mates at the expense of our country.

They now moan and whinge about the winding back of their terrible racist policies, but they introduced them in the first place and without consulting us.

I have to say this new coalition seems to be on top of the job in spite of some childish gaffes from the PM down, but over all they are what this country needs to fix the mess.

But one question for you coalition heads…Just when are you going to roll back this Maori language, signage and Aotearoa garbage which was a major reason why we voted you in? I think Luxon actually goes along with it. So does Wayne Brown. Get on side you guys because we won’t be putting up with it.

Get on board or lose your jobs.

And as for the media howling about job losses, they are a major reason why we have this pigsty of a shambles in the first place.

They supported the death of this country and still run articles and letters from correspondents who consistently write sugary puke and left-wing ideology.

Same for TV. The reporters revel in taking this government down while wondering what’s happened to the watching public, their support and their jobs. DUH…!!!!

I have only one thing to say to the media…Oh dear, how sad, never mind.


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