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Are You Missing Your Membership Access?

Family Get Together During Christmas
Photo by Nicole Michalou. The BFD.

If you are missing having access to BFD content and services we would LOVE to have you back.

It is EASY to reactivate your expired subscription.

If your subscription has not automatically renewed it may be…

  • because you hadn’t ticked for it to automatically renew when you set it up
  • because your credit card has expired
  • because you have removed your credit card details
  • because of insufficient funds
  • because you cancelled your membership

If you want to update your credit card details click here.

To upgrade or reactivate your subscription click here.

** This is also where you go if you want to change to Stripe as your payment provider.

To select Stripe select credit/debit card

Welcome back.

We missed you!

Family Get Together During Christmas
Welcome back we missed you. Photo by Nicole Michalou. The BFD.

If you need help re-activating your membership contact Juana (SB)

Her e-mail is sb at the

She will be happy to help.
