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Are You Smarter than a German Cop?

Police are clueless. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

In today’s episode of Are You Smarter Than a German Cop?, we look at a stabbing case.

A Somali national was shot and wounded by police after he stabbed two German men to death while screaming “Allahu akbar,” in the German city of Ludwigshafen-Oggersheim, in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. A third individual was wounded at a separate location.

Police sources indicate that the 24-year-old Somali man screamed “Allahu akbar” before stabbing the 20- and 25-year-old victims on the street. Police also told Spiegel Magazine that the Somali cut off the hands of one of his victims.

Does this sound like a straightforward case of Islamic violence to you?

Well, that’s why you’re not smart enough to be a German copper.

However, police say the motive for the murder is unclear and still under investigation.

“We are investigating in all directions,” said the spokeswoman for the police headquarters.

Everywhere, apparently, except the direction that might upset the narrative.

At least they’re admitting that this actually happened, and not simply trying to cover it up, like they did the Muslim mass-rape attacks in Cologne and other cities in 2015.

Dutch politician Geert Wilders commented on the stabbing in Germany, writing on Twitter, “A few days after the gruesome murder of a 12-year-old girl in France by Algerians, Germany is now hit: A Somali stabs 2 people to death. Multicultural hell strikes again and again; this time it is an ‘Allahu Akbar’ shrieking follower of Mohammed” […]

Knife attacks have also dramatically increased in tandem with migration. There are more than 50 knife attacks every day in Germany, and the 39.4 percent of perpetrators are foreign nationals despite making up 12.5 percent of the population.

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Germany’s not about to be outdone by the French in the Stabby Muslim Stakes, though. This attack was almost identical to one last year, in Wurzburg.

Only, the police weren’t able to lie so much about that one.

After the Friday knife attack in Wurzburg that left three women dead and several people injured, there are indications of an Islamist motive of the attacker, a rejected asylum seeker from Somalia.

The detained Abdirahman JA said after his arrest that through the attack, he had achieved his “jihad”, cited Spiegel Online the investigators.

Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann sees “blatant suspicion” of Islamist origin in the Würzburg knife attack which saw 49-year-old Christiane H. attacked along with her 11-year-old daughter, Akines, in a Woolworth department store […]

Given that the man was yelling “Allahu Akbar” during the attack, there were strong suspicions that he had radical Islam as his motive.

“Based on what we found, there is a lot to suggest that it could be an act motivated by Islamism,” the CSU politician said on the “Bild Live” talk show.

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Oh, come now. You have to investigate in all directions.

It might have been “right-wing extremism”, you never know. Was the attacker into knitting, healthy food or braided hair? Dead giveaways, those are.

Not like shouting “Allahu Ackbar” and gibbering about “jihad”. Who knows what that’s about? Certainly not German police.
