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Arrested for Being Jewish in Public

No one is arrested for banned Hezbollah flags – just don’t dare be visibly Jewish in public.

’Ello, ’ello, ’ello... We’ve reason to suspect you may be Jewish. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

There’s a disturbing pattern emerging in the policing of so-called ‘pro-Palestine’ protests. Violent anti-Semites have been able to gibber and spew hate with impugnity – while Jews are arrested simply for being visibly Jewish.

It started on October 9, last year. Just two days after the mediaeval brutality of the Hamas terror attacks, a mob of thousands of Muslims (accompanied by Greens politicians) swarmed a vigil at the Sydney Opera House. While the mob, which didn’t have a permit as required by NSW law, chanted ‘Gas the Jews’ in Australia’s most public space, police did nothing.

Nothing, that is, except arrest a Jewish man, for the heinous crime of carrying a rolled-up Israeli flag.

It’s happened again.

Astonishing footage of a Orthodox Jewish man holding an Australian flag being arrested after he allegedly confronted pro-Palestinian protesters has sparked outrage.

Osher Feldman was arrested for breaching the peace in Hyde Park in Sydney's CBD on Sunday, where 10,000 pro-Palestine supporters attended a rally.

He was filmed being escorted from the scene by police officers shortly after the protest wrapped up on the eve of the one year anniversary of the start of the deadly Hamas attacks on Israel.

Mr Feldman became visibly upset when his kippah fell off his head as he was led away to a police van surrounded by half a dozen officers, repeatedly saying “Where’s my cap, I need it on my head.”

Similarly, outside a Melbourne City Council meeting earlier this year, when a Jewish man trying to attend was assaulted by Muslim ‘pro-Palestine’ protesters, police threw the Jew into an armlock and frogmarched him away. He was threatened with arrest if he tried to exercise his peaceful democratic right to attend a local council meeting.

Yet, when ‘pro-Palestine’ thugs illegally brandish the banned symbols of proscribed terror organisations, police do nothing. A single person has been arrested, in 12 months of anti-Semitic demonstrations, for displaying a swastika.

Mr Feldman said he was “shocked, shaken and appalled”.

“I also feel physically unwell from getting shoved in a boiling hot van to the station for absolutely no reason.”

The incident also outraged the Australian Jewish Association (AJA).

“The man in the video ... is an active member of the Orthodox Jewish community in Sydney,” AJA president Dr David Adler told Daily Mail Australia.

“It appears his only ‘crime’ was waving an Australian flag near the Hamas and Hezbollah supporters in the Sydney CBD.”

Dr Adler said Mr Feldman did not get into any arguments with anyone.

Being Jewish in public is crime enough, apparently these days.

The AJA president such arrests “effectively handed control of the Sydney streets to an extremist mob and has, not for the first time, made parts of Sydney a ‘no go zone for law abiding citizens’”.

Dr Adler added that there are “increasing concerns within the Jewish community about the failure of police to protect the usual expected rights of a healthy liberal democracy, but rather allow aggressive disruptors to rule the streets”.

Which is the heart of the problem: the police, like their political masters, are craven cowards who are simply too timid to tackle rampant anti-Semitism.

After all, when it comes to choosing between law-abiding Jews and law-breaking Muslims, police know who’s going to go all bomby-stabby if anyone dares try and stand up to them.

And so Australia descends further and further into violently anti-Semitic mob rule.

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