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As Clear Cut a Case of Plagiarism as You’ll Ever Find

Failed editor, hard-left writer, and cycling aficionado Simon Wilson tweeted a Rod Emmerson cartoon from the NZ Herald:

Oh we all laughed and chortled with Simon Wilson…until one of our moderators spat in Wilson’s coffee with some facts:

It is as clear cut a case of plagiarism as you’ll ever find.

No doubt the NZ Herald and Rod Emmerson will simply ignore it. But it is yet another case of The BFD and our contributors getting to ideas and news ahead of the moribund and intellectually deficient mainstream media.

Little wonder trust in media organisations like the NZ Herald is plummeting.

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IINZ Reports MFAT and MFAT Complains

IINZ Reports MFAT and MFAT Complains

We have publicly called out the senior MFAT officials associated with recommending funding for UNRWA and we believe they may have failed to fully inform the minister about the serious nature of the incitement and ties to Hamas terror, just as they have misled in their OIA responses.

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