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As I Predicted Here Come the Death Threats

Photo by Mathew MacQuarrie on Unsplash

In my article on the man who came up with the harmless #TurnArdern protest, Man behind #TurnAdern Just Painted a HUGE Target on his back, I predicted that the journalist who interviewed him (David Fisher), would get two stories out of his subject. “Once for the original story and then again to ask them how miserable they are when the outrage generated by the original story costs the person their job and gets them death threats or abuse on social media.

An example of what this poor guy has to put up with. Turning magazines apparently means that you are racist, sexist, Islamophobic and homophobic! Who knew?

After outing the man and his business in his article, David Fisher successfully manufactured outrage against him and, just as I predicted, a second article has been published by the NZ Herald, this time focusing on how that man’s life has been turned upside down.

Interestingly the second article has been published anonymously.

Perhaps Fisher reads The BFD and didn’t want to prove me right by putting his name on it. Whether he wrote it or not doesn’t actually matter. His first article achieved its aim by creating a second story.

This is why dear readers, you should NEVER talk to the media about anything political.

They turn Christian churchgoers into white supremacists and people with mainstream conservative views into Nazis. Anyone who came up with a harmless and humorous protest like #TurnArdern was never going to be treated fairly.

If you were a member of ANTIFA, your cause would be considered justified and your violence waved away as inconsequential. Turn a few magazines and books in a shop on the other hand and you are literally Hitler!

‘Die, boomer’: Man behind bizarre ‘Turn Ardern’ threatened online
The man behind the “Turn Ardern” trend says he’s received a potential death threat and had his personal information posted online since his identity was revealed.
The Herald this weekend published the name of the person behind the anonymous […] account,
[redacted], said by Sunday morning he had been inundated with hundreds of message, [sic] including what he called an “implied death threat”, while another person had posted his personal contact details – including his home address and mobile number.

The NZ Herald could have protected the man by redacting his name, his profession and his age, as well as any other identifying details just as The BFD has, but they chose not to.

Not only did they choose not to, they have doubled down and once again published his personal details in the second story as well.

That is as good as giving tacit approval to the online death threats against him. The NZ Herald is aiding and abetting the harassment of this man.

What kind of a Fourth estate are they?
