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As Wrong as Two Left Feet but They Are Still Being Listened To

We are constantly being bombarded by so-called experts telling us what we should or shouldn’t be doing. From Siouxsie Wiles to Michael Baker to Shaun Hendy…they are also all advising the government.

But why? Because they know stuff?

Well, no.

Back in January 2020 Siouxsie Wiles was telling anyone who would listen that we’d be unlikely to see a Covid outbreak in New Zealand:

An infectious diseases expert says New Zealand is likely to escape a coronavirus outbreak.

The deadly virus has infected almost three thousand people across the world – with 81 people confirmed dead in China.

The Ministry of Health says it’s highly likely the virus will reach New Zealand shores.

Auckland University’s Siouxsie Wiles says we are likely to see cases here due to the high number of overseas cases, but told Mike Hosking the number of cases is likely to be limited.

“We don’t have the same population density and when small number of cases come in, they can be easily isolated and stopped.


Wrong. Dead wrong. Then in April 2020 she was saying that masks are pointless…which they are:

University of Auckland microbiologist Dr Siouxsie Wiles says the jury is still out on whether we should all wear face masks to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

She outlined her views on the subject in an article published by the Science Media Centre.

“As with everything, the answer to whether everyone should be wearing masks isn’t clear cut. Studies of influenza showed it doesn’t have any effect, but some studies during the SARS pandemic showed it could do,” Wiles said.

“What is most likely is that wearing a surgical mask won’t do much to prevent someone contracting Covid-19, but may help reduce the amount of virus-laden droplets being spread by someone with the virus.”

Well, she was right then, which makes her claims now about the effectiveness of masks wrong…she’s more wrong than Wrongly Wrongson.

Then we have Shaun Hendy, another person so wrong he should change his name by deed poll to Martyn Martin Bradbury. Remember, Shaun Hendy is also the fool who refused to take planes for a year to save the planet but then worked out how much of a negative impact it had on his life, so he is back flying again. A fact, of course, that he has never mentioned. He may have saved 19 tonnes of CO2 but he has more than made up for it by bloviating and carping on about his wrong data modelling.

Back in 2020, it was his model that predicted 80,000 deaths. A model based on the model of failed modeller, Neil Ferguson.

A disease modeller has described the “confronting” moment he first realised how many New Zealanders could die from COVID-19.

Shaun Hendy worked with the Government to develop its COVID-19 response. Now, one year on from New Zealand’s first lockdown, Hendy told the AM Show the worst-case scenario would have been devastating.

The worst-case was like if we treated it like the flu, and that was around 80,000 deaths and… if we looked back and we tweaked the model given what we know now that is still actually the worst-case scenario.”

“The worst bit was when I actually first ran the numbers and just looked at them myself but then having to go and tell the rest of the country about that was quite confronting.”

Hendy said thankfully, the Government acted quickly and New Zealand avoided thousands of deaths.


That model turned out to be a busted flush, as did Neil Ferguson’s after it was discovered it was little better than the Sim City game and a whole lot less playable.

But Shaun Hendy is still producing models, and still getting them wrong:

Professor Shaun Hendy, who is a Covid-19 modeller at the University of Auckland, said the current size of the outbreak far exceeded his initial calculations.

He said most of the cases being reported were still people who became infected prior to lockdown.

“This is telling us: we have got quite a large outbreak on our hands.”

Hendy’s initial modelling suggested up to 120 cases could have been circulating in the community before the level 4 restrictions kicked in.

He said he now thought that number could be as high as 300 given the number of young people infected and the “super-spreader” church service in Mangere.

“We’re really looking at an outbreak now that is similar to one that we dealt with in March and April last year … which was of the order of about 1000 cases.

“That’s kind of the scenario we’re looking at at the moment.”


Wrong again…and so were the second and third guesses at the model.

These people are functional idiots. They are also useful idiots to whom the media go for comment.

We shouldn’t listen to Hendy, Wiles and Baker though. They seem to be “leaking” what Ardern announces before the announcement. They seem to be in the loop and are the softener-uppers. They are part of the Goebbels-strength “sustained propaganda”  machine that Ardern has established.

These people need to be called out for what they are: Government shills barking like trained seals seeking a rancid sardine for a treat.

They are ruining people’s lives while sitting there advocating lockdowns that simply don’t work, all the while banking their fat taxpayer-funded salaries that have never been trimmed.

The government needs to pass a law that state sector employees take a permanent ten per cent haircut in salary for every week we are in lockdown. The desire of these idiots to lock us down would then wane considerably. Then they might actually consider alternatives to their rather bitter medicine that they are forcing us all to swallow.

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