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At Last, It’s Coming Back to Bite Them in the Bum

The Beehive

In March 2020, then Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern told the country she had all the legislative means and enforcement powers to tell us what we could and couldn’t do. The doctors in New Zealand were told they must be positive about the Covid-19 vaccine. New Zealanders were told they must affirm the wishes of a child or young person wanting to change gender. Three forceful declarations.

The message from Dr Bloomfield to doctors was unequivocal: Do not say anything that may be unfavourable or put doubt in a patient’s mind. There is a deadly virus sweeping the globe that is to be feared. It is dangerous and highly contagious. The doctor must encourage all patients to roll up their sleeve. It is safe and effective.

It’s imperative to have the Covid-19 vaccine, as Jacinda Ardern stated, so ‘you won’t get sick or die’. There would be zero tolerance towards those who refused.

Kiwis may recall Labour’s Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Act 2022. It bans everyone from dissuading a child or a young person from changing or suppressing their gender expression and/or treatment. It became unlawful for anyone to suggest to a child or teenager to delay such a life-changing decision as changing gender.

The National MPs in Opposition at the time did not back their leader. Simon Bridges and a few others quietly stood their ground against the fiercest ridicule from the rabble Government MPs who shouted and screeched on the floor of the house. Bridges tried to get a small amendment included to at least allow parents to be able to talk to their children about the pros and cons. However, the majority of National MPs joined Labour and voted that the rights of parents to advise their child to delay treatment was a criminal offence and not acceptable. In other words, children and young people under 18 can give their full consent to this treatment with almost no understanding of what this means for their future.

Now all these politicians, Jacinda Ardern and Dr Bloomfield are running headlong into a problem. Things are being exposed. It is becoming more difficult to wriggle out from under the weight of evidence challenging their deceptions. It’s all beginning to catch up with them. It is now known that Dr Bloomfield ordered doctors to lie by effectively removing informed consent and not advising of risks. Kiwis, without them being aware, had been put into a clinical trial without any records being taken. As it employs a novel genetic mechanism, the Covid-19 vaccine can be considered an ‘experiment’.

The NHS in England is to stop routinely prescribing puberty-suppressing hormones to children at gender identity clinics when they are questioning their gender. This completely flies in the face of the New Zealand Act. The UK decision comes after a review found there was ‘not enough evidence’ that this medication is safe or effective. The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust has experienced a huge increase in referrals: from 250 per year to over 5,000 in 2022. A new service will take a new ‘holistic’ approach and focus on each individual child with careful exploration of therapeutic options.

Denis Campbell, Guardian health policy editor, writes about this:

England’s health regulator will take enforcement action against private clinics that prescribe puberty blockers to under 18s in defiance of the NHS’s ban on the controversial drugs.

The Care Quality Commission will check that private providers of care to those who are questioning their identity are applying new guidance recommended by Dr Hilary Cass.

In an important report this week Cass warned that puberty blockers have not proven to reduce gender dysphoria or improve body satisfaction, may damage a teenager’s ability to think and reason and also that the rationale for suppressing puberty at all ‘remains unclear’.

The ex-president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health made clear her view, which NHS England had already adopted last month, that they should no longer be given to anyone under 18 on safety grounds. (Emphasis added).

The Guardian (11 April 24)

The Sandyford clinic in Glasgow, Scotland, has followed England’s decision to no longer be permitted to affirm a child’s self-stated gender identity by prescribing hormone therapy.

Dr Reti, the current Minister of Health, when faced with numbers of alleged vaccine excess deaths, said he had discussed this with ‘experts’ (not named) who have advised him the vaccine is safe and effective. No wonder he didn’t investigate it: he advocated for the Covid-19 vaccine in opposition.

Matt Doocey, the Associate Minister of Health and Minister of Youth, was approached for an interview on The Platform about the UK banning puberty blockers for children and youth. Doocey said he had talked to ‘experts’ and would not agree to an interview. This, too, is no wonder. He supported the Young Nats submission of Shaneel Lal’s anti-conversion bill, stating:

I also stand here as someone who’s a proud father of two young children, a boy and a girl – and I do look forward to celebrating their sexual orientation, their gender identity that they will decide.

In despair, and losing heart with the Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Act’s restrictions, a respected New Zealand counsellor resigned from her job. She could not keep accepting referrals and live with herself knowing there was no opportunity for her to talk with a young person and help them to think about the long-term implications of changing gender. Any querying would be regarded as unprofessional. What a waste of someone with integrity and devotion to best practice and holistic client care. She is now unemployed.

As Bob McCoskrie says, the house of cards is crumbling.

Critical thinkers can’t wait to find out what the final trigger will be.

It’s backfiring in more than one direction.
