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At Last Some Real Truth Telling on Voice

The shocking truth of the Uluru Statement has been exposed. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

“Truth telling” is supposedly at the core of the “Uluru statement”, the foundational document of the “Indigenous Voice” referendum. There’s precious little truth to be had from its proponents, though. And the mendacity goes far, far beyond PM Anthony Albanese’s and Minister Linda Burney’s constant prevarifications and falsehoods.

The biggest lie is the Uluru Statement itself — a devastating lie by omission that’s only now exposed by an FOI request.

It turns out that the single-page version of the Statement that’s been so heavily promoted to the public is just the tip of the iceberg. And its contents make He Puapua look tame by comparison.

The single-page version of the statement, all that was available until recently, simply states that the “structural nature of our problem” is the “torment of our powerlessness” but “when we have power over our destiny our children will flourish, they will walk in two worlds, and their culture will be a gift to their country”. In addition to the voice, the one-page statement seeks “a Makarrata Commission to supervise a process of agreement-making between governments and First Nations and truth-telling about our history”.

But thanks to the FOI request, we now know the full statement declares: “The invasion that started at Botany Bay is the origin of the fundamental grievance between the old and new Australians […]

Treaty, the full statement says, is the “vehicle to achieve self-determination, autonomy and self-govern­ment” with “a truth commission, reparations, a financial settlement (such as seeking a percentage of GDP), the resolution of land, water and resources issues”. If in any doubt about the radical nature of the changes sought by the activists behind the voice, just thumb through the 86 pages of lead-up deliberations preceding the full 26 pages of the Statement from the Heart.

Overturning Mabo, which ruled that Australia was not “invaded” (which would have extinguished native title forever by right of conquest) is just the start. The list of demands in the full statement only begin with demands for “designated seats in the Senate”, “treaty within the Constitution”, and “law making power” (which completely negates the claim that the Voice will not be a third chamber of Parliament).

The full text of the Statement includes demands for “a fixed percentage of Gross Nation Product” and “rates/land tax/royalties”.

In other words, just as I predicted, Thomas Mayo’s demand for “voluntary” “Pay the Rent” contributions from homeowners will not be voluntary at all. Australians will be forced to pay a tax to Aborigines.

It gets worse.

A reasonably representative sample of these deliberations is this passage: that “delegates spoke of the need to acknowledge the illegality of everything done since colonisation, the first act of aggression on first contact, the extreme cruelty and violence of the government and the impact of the forced removals”. Further, that “the British were not colonisers, they were invaders, murderers, and rapists”. And that “white people are more disadvantaged because they live in a country that is not their own. They’re living a lie.”

It’s not just a blueprint for a separatist Aboriginal ethnostate, as I’ve long pointed out, but a demand to overthrow the Commonwealth of Australia entirely.

Please, read the documents that those who want the voice hoped you would never see.

And have absolutely no doubt that, should the referendum succeed, every single word of these demands will be implemented. No matter what lies Anthony Albanese spouts.

Contrary to the Prime Minister’s recent poll-panicked claim that the voice is not about treaties, the official documents confirm that treaties, indeed, are its precise point; as should be expected given the “Voice, Treaty, Truth” mantra that emerged from the Uluru gathering and that the Prime Minister, when the polls were more encouraging, reiterated 34 times saying his government was committed to the Uluru statement “in full”.

The Australian

All 26 pages of its hate-filled, racist, vengeful determination to eradicate the Commonwealth of Australia.
