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At Last, Whoopi Is Right about Something

BFD Face of the day. Whoopi Goldberg

Well, bugger me: Whoopi Goldberg has finally said something completely sensible.

Goldberg, who recently appears to be transitioning into a Tyler Perry character, is not exactly known for her grip on reason or intelligence. She is, after all, the woman who defended Roman Polanski for drugging and anally-raping a 14 year old girl as “Not rape-rape”. She also thought that Jill Biden was a medical doctor, that Roe v. Wade is “in the Constitution”, and that “I just know I am Jewish” (spoiler: both genealogy and DNA tests trace all her ancestors to sub-Saharan Africa).

So, yeah, Whoopi’s not the smartest tool in the shed. But even the dumbest celebrity is capable of saying something intelligent at least once in their life.

“Just because we’re on television, doesn’t mean we know everything.”

Bam! Couldn’t have put it better myself.

If only Whoopi’s colleagues in Hollywood could remind themselves of that simple fact, before they open their over-paid, under-educated gobs and start spouting their uninformed, parroted opinions again.

As we’ve already seen, though, Goldberg is just as apt to spout uninformed, rote-learned woke nostrums as much as the next celebrity. But she’s had a brutal lesson in another simple fact: you can never be right-on enough for the Woke inquisitors.

“The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg blasted the removal of Mississippi broadcaster Barbie Bassett, who quoted Snoop Dogg live on air, in addition to political correctness on Monday and said just because they’re on TV, doesn’t mean they know what they’re “not supposed to do.”

Goldberg said someone should make a book of “stuff that no one can say.”

“There has to be a book of stuff that nobody could ever say, ever, ever, ever. Include everything,” she said. “The things that change, you can say this, but you can’t say that, but next week you might not be able to say this, it’s hard to keep up. It’s hard to keep up.”

Of course, it’s hard to keep up: that’s the whole point. As authoritarian leftist regimes like the Soviets and the Maoists knew full well, if nobody is ever sure what, exactly, is going to get them dragged off to the gulag or shot on sight, they’ll make damn sure to never say anything at all. That’s how self-censorship works: the whole point is to get the citizens to censor themselves, and save the Stasi the trouble.

So, what, exactly did Bassett say, to bring down the wrath of cancel culture vultures on her head?

Goldberg said earlier in the segment that Bassett should not be fired for quoting Snoop Dogg’s popular phrase, “fo shizzle, my nizzle.” “Nizzle” is slang for the n-word.

“When she leaves though, you know when this stuff happens, it’s not like people come back on the air and say ‘let us clarify,’” co-host Sara Haines said.

Goldberg looked wide-eyed into the camera and added, “no, they never let you do that.”

And she’d know: Goldberg herself has been dragged through the cancel culture mire, and forced to issue a grovelling Self-Criticism. For the heinous sin of saying that she was “gypped”.

Goldberg recently taped a video apology for using the word “gypped” during the show. The video was posted to the show’s Twitter page.

Fox News

Supposedly, according to the inquisitorial language police, “gypped”, meaning to be cheated, is derived from “gypsy”. Yet, the earliest recorded usage of the word in such a context is from Cambridge in the 18th century — where it was derived from the Greek word gypas, meaning “vulture”.

In this case, the real “racists” would seem to be the Wokeists, who hear a slang word for “cheat” and immediately think “Gypsy”.

Once again, the only people who can hear a “dog whistle” are the dogs themselves.


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Bolger Thought He Was Secure Too

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