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At Least the Gun Registry Will Be Safe, Though, Won’t It?

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The Government is hell-bent on implementing a gun register; apparently, such a thing will keep us all safe. Meanwhile, an NZTA worker has been sacked after 44 customers’ personal details were accessed unlawfully:

Police have charged a worker at the New Zealand Transport Agency, and the worker has been sacked after the personal details of 44 customers were accessed unlawfully.

The details accessed include driver licence numbers, number plates and home addresses.

The agency, also known as Waka Kotahi, first became aware of the privacy breach in late 2018, but only now – more than two years on – has informed the affected people about what’s happened.

NZTA customer Michael Rowley is one of those who had their personal information illegally accessed – he says, the breach is serious.

“Definitely it’s serious for myself and the 44 others because it’s all the key aspects of your identity.”

Included in the harvest of information, were:

Vehicle plate numbers
Vehicle make and model
Full name of the affected customers
Date of birth
Driver licence number
Customer number


If that doesn’t concern you then the next bit should.

NZTA knew about the privacy breach in October 2018. It dismissed the worker then but the customers were only told recently.

“Which really surprised me because we’re now in 2021,” Rowley says.

“I’m very annoyed and very worried.”

The Transport Agency told Newshub it didn’t notify the affected 44 individuals earlier because it wanted to avoid potentially compromising the police investigation. However, the agency is still warning the customers to be vigilant to the risks of identity theft, and to notify credit agencies about what’s happened.

Can anyone else see the potential problem with storing the location details of millions of guns owned by hundreds of thousands of shooters?

Do you really think that the government can keep your information secure?

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