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Aus Reaps the Whirlwind of Do-Gooding Past

Why did we allow such hate to be imported? The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

I’m not the world’s biggest Elon Musk fan: the fellow does some great things, some awful things, and a whole lot of very silly things. But, he was absolutely correct, when he said, What I see all over the place is people who care about looking good while doing evil. Fuck them.

Former German chancellor Angela Merkel cared very much about looking good when she threw open the gates of Europe to millions of fighting-age single men from Middle East and North Africa. So did the clown parade of virtue-signalling numpties with their dinky “refugees welcome” signs.

Can anyone really deny, given first the snowballing rape crisis, endless attacks on European natives, and shocking surge in anti-Semitism, attendant on Merkel’s idiotic decision, that these people did great evil?

Australia got a preview of Merkel’s evil do-gooding in the late 70s, with the recklessly stupid, unilateral decision by then-PM Malcolm Fraser to import Lebanese Muslims en masse, and un-vetted. Despite warnings about the long-term results of his decision, Fraser pig-headedly surged ahead.

Half a century later, Australians are reaping the whirlwind of Fraser’s evil do-gooding — and the evil do-gooding of current activist judges.

One of Australia’s most infamous domestic terrorists will walk free from prison after experts accepted his risk could be “effectively managed” in the community.

Abdul Nacer Benbrika returned before the Victorian Supreme Court on Tuesday as Justice Elizabeth Hollingworth handed down her judgment on two competing cases.

Before his sentence expired in 2020, former Home Affairs minister Peter Dutton successfully applied for the order, which allows courts to keep convicted terrorists behind bars if they pose a continued danger to the community.

The same year, Mr Dutton cancelled Benbrika’s Australian citizenship under a controversial law the majority of the High Court determined last month was invalid.

The same High Court decision which set free hundreds of violent foreign criminals. At least six have been re-arrested for sex and violence crimes, including against children, within a few weeks of being turned loose.

Does anyone really think a violently determined jihadi is going to be any less of a threat?

Handing down her judgment, Justice Hollingworth said the evidence “clearly establishes” that Benbrika had made substantial progress towards deradicalisation in recent years.

The Australian

Never underestimate the dangerous gullibility of activist judges.

Meanwhile, Fraser’s evil do-gooding continues to scar Australian society.

Political and Jewish leaders have said inaction on incendiary sermons delivered at a Sydney Islamic centre has given radical clerics a “green light” as another preacher called for a Muslim army, describing it as “the final solution”, a term explicitly linked to Nazism and the Holocaust.

The Australian revealed on Sunday how a cleric known as “Brother Muhammad” gave the sermon at Bankstown’s Al Madina Dawah Centre – itself the subject of two police investigations now dropped – that called for a Muslim army and an Islamic state with sharia law, and wrongly accused Israel of using AI to target children.

So much for those elusive “moderate Muslims”: where is the community backlash against these violent, hateful preachers?

“Brother Muhammad is the latest self-described Islamic preacher to spew hatred against Jews,” Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-CEO Peter Wertheim said.

Wertheim is making a common mistake many people make about Islam: assuming that, like Christianity and Judaism, it has formal ordination processes and authorities. Quite the contrary: Islamic preachers are essentially self-appointed. The only real qualification is being accepted as such by their communities.

So, if these fellows are preaching in mosques, it’s because local Muslims want them to.

“In the wake of Hamas’s genocidal atrocities, he has adopted the expression ‘the final solution’ against the world’s only Jewish state, an expression made infamous by Nazi Germany as a euphemism for the genocide of the Jewish people.”

The Australian previously revealed how police had dropped investigations into hate-fuelled sermons at the centre by cleric Abu Ousayd – also known as Wissam Haddad – and “Brother Ismail”, which included calls for jihad, parables that said “kill Jews” and that if Islamic nations “spat on Israel the Jews would drown”. The police involved said each case had not breached the criminality threshold.

The Australian
Who wants to bet that, if a Conservative politician or Christian preacher had called for a “Christian army” to “kill Muslims” and perpetrate a “Final Solution” on Arabs, they’d be banged up quicker than you can say “Coexist”?

Still, I’d rather these violent cretins were free to spew their insane hatred in public, rather than forced to lurk in the shadows. “If there’s a wasp in the room,” as C. S. Lewis wrote. “I like to be able to see it.”

And there’s no shortage of Jew-hating wasps crawling out of the woodwork in Australia.

High-profile Sydney MPs and Jewish leaders have condemned “grotesque” posters that appeared across the city’s eastern suburbs and CBD overnight, depicting Adolf Hitler removing a Benjamin Netanyahu mask.

The posters appeared across traffic signs and road infrastructure around Sydney’s eastern suburbs, which is home to a large Jewish community.

They depict Nazi leader Hitler removing a mask of Israeli prime minister Mr Netanyahu, of which NSW Police confirmed they were investigating who, or which group of people, were behind it.

Oh, I think we can make a guess.

Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-CEO Alex Ryvchin slammed those political leaders who had “legitimised”, or even attended, the weekly Sydney CBD pro-Palestine rallies, “where Nazi comparisons and Holocaust inversion are routine”.

The Australian

It’s the “far-right”, no doubt. Just ask Byron Clark.


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