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Australia Bins 35% of its Covid Vaccines

wore a mask

Rebekah Barnett

Rebekah Barnett is a Brownstone Institute fellow, independent journalist and advocate for Australians injured by the Covid vaccines. She holds a BA in Communications from the University of Western Australia, and writes for her Substack, Dystopian Down Under.

As part of its pandemic response, the Australian government purchased 267.3 million doses of Covid vaccines, enough to vaccinate Australia’s population of approximately 26 million people 10 times over.

But figures released to Dystopian Down Under by the Department of Health (DOH) this week confirm that, three years into the vaccine program, only 70 million doses, or 26 per cent of the 267.3 million doses purchased, have been administered, while 35 per cent of vaccines doses have been wasted since the start of the vaccine rollout.

Last week, the Australian reported that more than 35 per cent of Covid vaccines were being tossed out as of January due to oversupply. The revelation came from the DOH’s public submission to the federal Covid inquiry.

The wording made it unclear if this was a cumulative figure or applicable only to the month of January, so I contacted the DOH to confirm the total wastage to date, along with some further questions on the value of doses purchased, delivered, and wasted, and exactly how many had been administered.

A DOH spokesperson responded,

“As of 31 March 2024 the total COVID-19 vaccine program wastage rate was at 35.69%. Australia’s wastage rate is within the World Health Organization (WHO) acceptable wastage parameters for multidose vials of 15% and 40%.

“Approximately 80% of COVID-19 vaccine wastage is attributed to expiry of doses across warehouses and vaccine administration sites.”

This appears to mean that 80 per cent of the wasted doses simply expired on the shelf.

The remaining 20 per cent of wasted doses would likely be due to administration sites not managing to use the entire contents of multi-dose vials once opened. While unopened vials have a shelf-life of anywhere between nine to 18 months, opened vials must be used within six to 48 hours.

The DOH refused to confirm the value of doses purchased or wasted, or how many of the purchased doses have actually been delivered, “for contractural and security reasons.” The Australian government has repeatedly refused to release details of its taxpayer-funded Covid vaccine purchase agreements.

However, we know that total government spending on Covid vaccines and treatment supply amounts to over $18 billion, of which it appears that the lion’s share was allocated to purchasing vaccine doses.

Source: Department of Health and Aged Care

Most of these remain unused. DOH figures provided to me this week show that as of 3 April, only a quarter (70 million) of the 267.3 million purchased doses had been used, at a total usage rate of 26.2 per cent.

Of the remaining 197.3 million unadministered doses, the DOH advised that approximately 53 million doses have been donated as foreign aid.

That leaves approximately 144 million doses, more than half of the total stockpile, either already expired, or likely to expire within the next several years, as booster rates hover below 10 per cent.

As Australia’s vaccine purchases extend into 2023 and 2024, it is probable that a portion of these doses still be viable up to 2025.

But even if vaccine doses never expired, it would take Australians 29 years to work their way through the glut, based on the five million boosters administered in the past 12 months.

As it stands, usage rates by brand are as below:

  • Of 131 million Pfizer doses purchased, 48.5 million have been administered, a usage rate of 37 per cent. And 82.5 million doses remain.
  • Of 29 million Moderna doses purchased, 7.5 million have been administered, a usage rate of 25.7 per cent. And 21.5 million doses remain.
  • Of 56.3 million AstraZeneca doses purchased, 13.8 million have been administered, a usage rate of 24.5 per cent. As the AstraZeneca stockpile expired on 20 March 2023, the remaining 42.5 million doses have been binned, unless they were donated as aid prior to this date.
  • Stunningly, of 51 million Novavax doses purchased, only 273,700 have been administered, a usage rate of 0.5 per cent. And 50.7 million doses, 99.5 per cent of the stockpile, remain. This is because by the time Novavax was approved for use, in December 2021, over 90 per cent of Australians aged 16 and over had already been double-vaccinated.
Image Credit:

In a July 2022 article investigating Australia’s already apparent vast vaccine wastage, the ABC asked if perhaps the government had bought too many vaccines?

Deborah Gleeson, Associate Professor of Public Health at La Trobe University, criticised the government’s run on the global vaccine supply, suggesting that Australia had hoarded more than its share.

Prof Gleeson told the ABC,

Australia really participated in a bigger trend that we’ve seen worldwide of wealthy countries buying up far more doses of COVID-19 vaccines than they needed early on in the pandemic. And this is a practice that unfortunately has continued.

It’s enough to make advocates for global vaccine equity lose sleep at night.

The news of the Australian government’s wastage of billions of dollars worth of Covid vaccines comes as Australians are grappling with the soaring cost of living and the worst housing crisis on record, with over a quarter of a million Australians accessing homelessness services in 2022–2023.

Republished from the author’s Substack
