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Australian Police Beating More People in the Streets Than the Taliban


The events surrounding COVID mitigation in Australia and New Zealand continue to astound me.  The last several days in several provinces have shown brutal conduct and physical attacks by police, riot units and military deployments against the citizens within their respective regions.

All of this activity is because citizens are demanding an end to the futile lockdowns that have gone well beyond reasonable efforts to mitigate COVID.  The various state governments within Australia are attempting to get rid of a virus by isolating the people in the most extreme ways possible; and when the citizens protest they are met with batons, rubber bullets, pepper spray and some of the most brutal beatings you could imagine.

Thousands of citizens have been arrested, jailed and fined as the government shows a total disconnect from the reality of the virus.  Beating citizens brutally in the streets in the name of public health?  Factually and literally absurd.

Last week New Zealand locked down the entire country over one case of COVID.  48 hours into the mandated four day lockdown and they had 21 new cases, so they extended the ‘stage 4’ lockdown another four days.  In Australia you are not permitted to travel between cities at all and there are checkpoints set up to catch people.

An animal rescue shelter in New South Wales shot all their dogs dead, literally killed them, simply because they were fearful another animal rescue team from out of the area would travel to save the animals. So they killed them all?  A “rescue shelter”, the absurd irony is jaw-dropping.

Long-haul truck drivers are not permitted to stop and eat, or shower, or rest outside their vehicles by orders of the government.  That type of public policy is just insane.  How are essential foods and medicines expected to get distributed if truck drivers cannot safely operate?  Is there not one high profile national political figure who will stand and call attention to the abject insanity of what they are doing?

Making matters worse it seems like the entire institutional media in both New Zealand and Australia are supporting the totalitarian effort of the government to fight against the citizens.  The propaganda of fear is stunning.  WATCH:

Common sense has been totally thrown out the window as people are forbidden from leaving their homes, talking to neighbours or even passing people in the streets.  They have been locked-down for months as the government fist around their neck gets tighter and tighter in this dystopian proclamation that what they are doing is for the common good of society.

60 people were arrested today for having an unauthorized prayer service at church.   The jackboots stormed the venue and arrested everyone inside. Good grief, humanity needs fellowship and human contact.  It’s no wonder why people have taken to the streets in growing numbers despite the threats, arrests, beatings and fines.  What practical good is your life if you cannot live it?

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