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Australian Senate Votes against Critical Race Theory

Pauline Hanson

The Australian Senate has voted to ban the racist nonsense of Critical Race Theory from Australian schools. The left are shocked and bewildered.

So naturally, instead of confronting the horrifying reality that CRT is a deeply racist, Marxist ideology, they scream and rail against a cavalcade of red herrings and straw-men.

Coalition Senators voted with One Nation yesterday to pass Pauline Hanson’s motion calling for the government to reject critical race theory (CRT) from the national education curriculum.

So far, so good. These are the basic facts. From here on out, though, it just descends into typical leftist lies and hysterics.

Hanson’s motion, which passed 30 votes to 28 and was opposed by the Greens and Labor, will have no real effect. But for One Nation, it was a valuable bit of culture war theatrics. CRT, a mix of cultural, legal and social critique which seeks to analyse how structural racism operates in systems of power, has become a recent obsession of Fox News and the Republican right in the US. And like so many of those obsessions, it’s quickly made its way into Australia’s parliament.

See what they did, there?

In the very first sentence, it slid from a simple statement of fact to a contestable opinion. It’s uncertain how much practical effect the motion will have, but “theatrics” is very much an opinion. A counter-opinion is that it is a valuable and long-overdue signal that education bureaucrats will be held to account.

The third sentence is nothing but lies and bogey-men. Claiming that CRT is “a mix of cultural, legal and social critique which seeks to analyse how structural racism operates in systems of power” is like claiming that, “Safe Schools is an anti-bullying program”, or that “Communism is a theory which seeks to create a worker’s paradise”.

The reality is that CRT is a thoroughly racist stew of Marxist drivel. No wonder Labor and the Greens backed it.

And, of course, Crikey throws in the ad hominem bogey-men: “Fox News”, “Republican right”: you can almost see them waving the “Boo! Hiss!” signs.

As a recent poll showed, the more Americans learn about what CRT really is, the more they are appalled by it. As we see, some Coalition senators are very aware of what CRT really is, and are rightly opposed to it.

Assistant Minister for Forestry and Fisheries Jonathon Duniam said CRT was “predicated on the belief that the laws and institutions of our nation are inherently racist”.

“This theory is patently false, discredited and without any basis in fact,” he said.

Of course, there’s no show without a Punch of Colour.

Greens anti-racism spokesperson Mehreen Faruqi, who spoke against the motion on the Senate floor, said the motion was “nothing more than a culture war beat-up”.

Calling Faruqi an “anti-racism spokesperson” is like calling Joseph Goebbels a “minister for truth”. Faruqi has referred to the First Fleet as “right wing terrorists” and used parliamentary privilege to falsely accuse Lauren Southern of inspiring the Christchurch mosque shooting. Then there’s her little boy, Osman.

Like most leftists, the likes of Faruqi see racism everywhere, because they’re forever screaming at the mirror.

Then there’s this obvious self-contradiction:

While there’s no evidence CRT is threatening Australia’s education system[…]Assistant Attorney-General Amanda Stoker tried to get the Australian Human Rights Commission to scrap an “anti-racism” campaign on the grounds the term was too closely related to CRT.

So which is it?

In fact, there’s plenty of evidence that CRT is slithering its way into Australia’s education system. Notably, the odious “Racism. No Way!” program. The learning resources for this are full of CRT talking-points, such as “systemic racism”, that racism is endemic in Australian society and will never be eradicated, “white privilege”, and so on. Australian schoolchildren are being forced to apologise for being white.

Still, at least the Crikey diatribe ends with a statement of fact.

“Thanks to One Nation, the government has been sent a strong message and is now on the record rejecting critical race theory,” [Pauline Hanson] said.


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