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Australians Asked to Vote in Blind Faith

Vote first, ask questions later. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Every time they open their mouths, the “Voice” gets worse.

Anthony Albanese has apparently learned one thing from Jacinda Ardern: if you’re going to impose apartheid on your nation, do it by stealth. Whatever you do, don’t let the voters in on it.

Most of all, never, ever give out the detail of what you’re really up to until it’s too late to change it.

Because, as it happens, Australians and New Zealanders really aren’t that keen on racial separatism. Kiwis are rising up against Three Waters and He Puapua. Even a good many Aboriginal people are opposed to the “Voice”.

Unlike the left-elite, who seem determined to fundamentally divide our countries along racial lines. By hook, but mostly by crook.

When Australia holds a referendum on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament, we will be asked just one, clear question.

“Should Australia adopt an Indigenous Voice to Parliament?”

What, exactly, is this “Voice”? Don’t ask. What will it actually do? Don’t ask that, either. Who will be eligible to participate in it? No idea.

Just vote for it, they’ll sort the rest out for us, once the Constitution has been altered.

Trust them.

“It’s really important that the question be about whether there should be a Voice, not about what sort of Voice it will be.”

What kind of a mug would you have to be, to sign on the dotted line without reading any print at all?

Linda Burney is facing an uphill battle: Our last referendum in 1999, deciding whether Australia should become a Republic, failed.

“What happened with that referendum was that instead of the question being ‘Should Australia be a Republic’… it became about the model,” she told The Oz.

The simplicity of the question was lost, Burney said, and the Australian public voted no.

The Australian

But the question had to be about the model. You don’t change the Constitution without deciding what you’re changing it to.

Australians rejected the model in 1998 for a very good reason: it was an elitist power-grab. Imagine if, as Burney clearly wishes, we’d just voted “Yes” blindly — and handed the elites carte blanche to force their crap model on us, when it was too late to stop them?

This is exactly what is happening with the “Voice”: the more Australians find out about it, the less they like it. So the elites are trying to sneak it in behind our backs.


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