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Australia’s Leftists See the BLM Pot…

See the pot, wanna… The BFD.

It’s a matter of definition that socialists are collectivists – especially when it comes to ideas. Followers to the core, they can’t have an idea unless every single one of their fellows loudly sings a chorus of agreement. Conversely, whatever one lot of them does, the rest are quick to jump on the bandwagon.

As soon as America’s Antifa thugs began to riot, their ovine followers even in New Zealand fell over themselves to chirp, “Me Too!”

Australia’s leftists are desperate to hitch their clown-cars to BLM’s little red wagon of lies, too. No matter how ludicrously long a bow they have to draw.

Scott Morrison has called on Black Lives Matters protesters in Australia not to “import” the racial tensions in the United States, saying there is no need to draw equivalence between the treatment of African-Americans and people of colour here.

Thousands have marched in Australian cities to protest Aboriginal deaths in custody and wider abuse of indigenous Australians, off the back of the anti-racism riots in the US[…]

Protests in Sydney and Perth are due to be followed by marches in Melbourne despite the continuing threat of the coronavirus.

And, just like that, the left forgot that just a week ago they were screeching blue murder that people protesting lockdowns were going to unleash a Biblical plague.

The Aboriginal deaths in custody narrative is just as innumerate and stupidly deceitful as the “racist white cops” narrative of BLM in America. Even a cursory glance at the freely-available data destroys the left’s copy-cat whining.

Aboriginal deaths in custody represent a minority of deaths in custody. While they may be over-represented in relation to the general Australian population, in terms of the prison population, they’re under-represented.

Just as in American police shootings, black deaths in custody are representative of a disproportionate rate of criminal offending, not “racism”.

Far from the narrative peddled by the lyin’ loons of the left, those deaths are not because of “racist” cops or prison guards. Nearly all are from natural causes. The rest can be attributed to suicide, inter-prisoner violence, substance abuse and so on.

Death rates in custody have not only fallen dramatically in recent years, but are far lower than the death rate in the general population. The overall death rate in Australia is 6 per 1000 people. In custody, it’s 1.7. For Aboriginal prisoners, it’s 0.8. Yet the overall death rate for Aborigines is 9.1 deaths per 1000.

Not only are Aboriginal prisoners less likely to die in prison than non-Aborigines, they’re far less likely to die than they would in their own communities.

Once again, the Australian left are aping their American fellow-travellers by peddling lies and mathematical stupidity.

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