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Australia’s Little Dictators Refuse to Give up an Ounce of Power

State border restrictions are getting out of hand. The BFD. Photoshop: Lushington Brady.

As reported in The BFD, a Victorian farmer recently faced the Kafka-esque predicament of having to drive 40 sheep three hours to Melbourne, then flying them to Sydney, then driving for another six hours, just to take them a few kilometres over the border to the saleyards at Corowa, on the Murray River.

Along with even more heinous medical incidents, the farmer’s case became emblematic of the megalomaniacal obstructionism of state governments and bureaucracies drunk with COVID-gifted power. As Brownyn Bishop warned, Australia has become a nation of sheep being controlled by state premiers “with a real taste for mutton”. They’re not about to give up their new-found absolute power easily.

Australia’s chief health officers have rejected Agriculture Minister David Littleproud’s code giving farmers free movement across the country, following urgent calls for a set of national rules to let the agriculture industry keep working unimpeded by border closures. The code was put to the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee, chaired by acting chief medical officer Paul Kelly, on Tuesday night but The Australian understands the states’ chief health officers failed to reach a consensus and endorse the proposal.

It’s not just graziers facing Byzantine red tape just to take a few sheep to sale. Growers are also facing crops being left to rot without workers to pick them.

Under Mr Littleproud’s suggested code, obtained by The Australian, agriculture workers who crossed government-imposed state borders would be required to have a valid border permit, evidence of their identity and residence, evidence of their work being eligible under the code and a COVID-safe workplace plan.

When they are travelling, working or off duty, they must carry personal protective equipment when social distancing is not possible, including face masks, hand sanitiser and gloves.

They would also keep and retain records of their movements and contacts with other people, self-isolate where practicable and not work while symptomatic until a negative COVID-19 test result was received[…]

The code would cover occupations critical to the agriculture industry, including all seasonal workers and temporary visa holders.

The Morrison government is growing increasingly frustrated as their every effort to revive Australia’s economy is rebuffed by the states’ Little Hitlers.

“It’s in times of national crisis that our system of government is tested. These border issues are now a real test of our federation,” Mr Littleproud said.

“This is an opportunity for states to show us that federation works for all Australians not just those in capital cities.”

In the meantime, Australia’s economy, not to mention the civil rights and mental well-being of Australians, are being held hostage to the megalomania of unelected bureaucrats.

State border restrictions are getting out of hand. The BFD. Photoshop: Lushington Brady.

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