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Australia’s Race Commissioner Goes Native

It’s a nice little earner for some. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

When Chin Tan replaced execrable race-hustler Tim Soutphom­masane as Australia’s race discrimination commissioner, he seemed like a breath of fresh air; a return to a semblance of sanity in an institution notorious for its Woke-extremism. With admirable commonsense, Tan rejected the notion that Australia was a racist country: “If it was, I wouldn’t be here, mate.”

Alas, at the same time as the Long March through the Institutions has captured our public institutions, left-dominated public institutions have a way of capturing the minds of even sensible people immersed in their milieu too long. Witness the long list of supposedly conservative appointments to the ABC board who’ve gone native. Chin Tan has apparently succumbed, as well.

The ‘scourge’ of racism is allegedly ‘resurgent’ in Australia. Again. At least, it is according to Chin Tan, Race Discrimination Commissioner at the Australian Human Rights Commission.

Mr Tan has declared that racism poses ‘significant threats’ and is urging the federal government to create an anti-racism framework — with funding, of course — to replace the last one, which must be outdated, having been created eons ago in 2018.
A problem solved is an existential crisis for an activist. If, after all, Tan had persisted with the heretical notion that Australia isn’t actually racist, he’d be doing himself out of a cosy, taxpayer-funded sinecure.
It’s a nice little earner for some. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

So, as the left will, Tan has redefined his terms: “racism” doesn’t mean what it has always meant – prejudicially judging people on the basis of their race. Firstly, that would contradict another daft, anti-factual leftist notion: that “race doesn’t exist” (for something that supposedly doesn’t exist, it’s odd that the left can’t stop yammering about it). Worse, it would leave open the possibility of racial discrimination against white people.

White people like…Jews, for instance.

Oddly, Mr Tan appears to overlook completely the resurgence of antisemitism in Australia which has become a particular problem — although largely denied — on the political Left.

One reason for this omission is that most Jewish people are white. According to the orthodoxies of wokeness, white people are perpetrators of racism but can never be its victims.

The other great conceit of the left is that they are unimpeachably good. But racism is bad. Admitting that a great many leftists are incredibly racist towards Jews would be a cognitive dissonance too far.

That’s not to say we can be complacent about having forged one of the most successful and cohesive multi-cultural societies in the world. After all, social cohesion doesn’t just happen.

It arises from a deep commitment to preserving the fundamental cultural and liberal principles on which our society is built, such as the rule of law and protection of human rights.

Spectator Australia

If people start believing in stuff like that, they might start thinking that it’s wrong to destroy men’s careers on the basis of unproven, indeed ludicrously implausible, decades-old accusations of sexual abuse, or that they are entitled to one of the most fundamental human rights of all: free speech.

Better to keep making up more and more twisted definitions of imaginary “racism” in order to divide and conquer one of the most racially harmonious societies in human history…and to keep those sweet, sweet public dollars rolling in.

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