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Australia’s State Broadcaster a Red Mirror of China’s

The ABC advances courageously under the guidance of the red flag of Mao Zedong thought. The BFD.

Australia has made a very powerful enemy by standing up to the Chinese Communist Party.

I’m talking, of course, about Australia’s own taxpayer-funded national broadcaster.

If the princelings in Beijing are furious that Australia has challenged China over its culpability for the Wuhan plague, that’s nothing compared to the gnashing of teeth in Ultimo. Australia’s state-run media seem determined not to be outdone by China’s own state-run media when it comes to CCP sycophancy.

As proof, we need only consider the current campaign by China’s risible propaganda rag, China Daily, against The Australian’s Sharri Markson. Markson has exposed a damning dossier of intelligence pointing the origins of the Wuhan virus directly to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and detailing Beijing’s shocking cover-up.

But China Daily’s propaganda attacks are a pale shadow of what the ABC has been peddling for over a year.

“Clearly the lab escape story is one the Trump administration wants to be true,” said ABC Media Watch host Paul Barry last year, labelling The Daily Telegraph’s coverage as sensationalist and being in the category of “conspiracy theories”.

Responding to then US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s claim that there was a “significant amount of evidence” that the virus originated from the institute, ABC 7.30 chief political correspondent Laura Tingle spoke of “the barking mad nature of some of the statements coming out of the United States”.

Referring to “baseless claims about a virus that was created in a lab and unleashed for nefarious purposes,” ABC PM host Linda Mottram said “the pandemic has been an opportunity for misinformation and disinformation”.

And of course there was the ABC’s health reporter Dr Norman Swan. The theory the virus came from the lab was “so unlikely that you can say definitely that it’s not the case,” he proclaimed, assuring viewers he and other journalists “have looked into this”.

To be fair, the ABC was only aping what the rest of the global mainstream media were saying. But, faced with a new, politically-acceptable US President, not to say a mountain of evidence, even the mainstream media have changed their tune (without ever admitting it).

Markson had been vindicated. Her subsequent reports, particularly the revelation that employees from the Institute of Virology were hospitalised in November 2019 after displaying symptoms consistent with Covid-19 in November 2019, have given even more credence to the lab theory.

If anything, ABC should be contrite.

Oh, ha ha ha, good one. As if the ABC will ever admit to being completely, egregiously, woefully wrong.

Or stop parrotting CCP propaganda.

But last week Wendy Harmer, co-host of ABC Radio Sydney’s Breakfast, attacked Markson on social media for her reporting. In addition to retweeting the China Daily segment in question, Harmer added an alarmist and pusillanimous comment that is the antithesis of everything journalism is supposed to represent.

“There are few things more emblematic of the days we live in than being drawn into WWIII by Sharri Markson,” she said[…]

This partisan imbecility was too much even for Harmer’s followers, and the comrade from Collaroy soon deleted her tweet.

The Australian

But rest assured that the next time China Daily runs a tweet or op-ed attacking Australia, Harmer and the rest of the ABC collective will just as enthusiastically endorse and re-tweet it.

And to think that we taxpayers are forced to pay the undeserved salaries of these Quisling leeches.

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