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Australia’s Taxpayer Funded Media Hide the Truth About Bushfires

Australians are being ripped off for more than a billion dollars a year for publicly-funded broadcasters who bully and belittle ordinary Australians – and assiduously lie to them. Not only do the public broadcasters repeatedly peddle garbage fake news, they also strenuously hide inconvenient truths from the Australian public. Truths which are inconvenient to their left-wing narrative, that is.

Australia’s public broadcasters, the ABC and SBS, are absolutely rusted-on to climate hysteria. With typical watermelon arrogance, they have been relentlessly pushing the narrative that the current bushfires are solely the work of climate change. Far from “respecting the science”, any scientist who contradicts their dogma is silenced. Inconvenient truths are Memory-Holed.

Yesterday I tweeted a quote from an SBS News article from 2013 which featured top bushfire researcher David Packham calling links between bushfire disaster and climate change “an absolute nonsense”…I tagged SBS News in it, but that may have been a mistake. Within an hour several followers noticed the article had mysteriously and coincidentally suddenly disappeared.

Using my super-sleuth, investigative journalism skills (Google) I discovered a cache of the article.

What heresy did this article speak, that it had to be so swiftly consigned to the bonfire of leftist inanity?

Linking the bushfire disaster in NSW to climate change is “an absolute nonsense” and reducing fuel loads in the Australian bush is urgently needed, a leading scientist says.

Retired Monash University researcher David Packham says global warming is a gradual process which doesn’t explain major bushfires.

Greens deputy leader Adam Bandt has been accused of playing politics by linking the NSW bushfires to the new federal government’s climate change policies.

But Mr Packham says there is no link.

“It’s an absolute nonsense,” he told AAP.

That was six years ago. Now, with another bushfire disaster unfolding, Bandt has reverted to odious type and used the tragedy to push his nasty little barrow.

True to form, as well, the public broadcasters are desperate to silence a scientist speaking truth to their taxpayer-funded power.

“Bushfire expert David Packham tried to tell 7.30 we had to burn our bush every 10 years to cut the leaf litter that turns our fires into infernos, a level of burning NSW doesn’t come close to reaching. But after just 69 words, 7.30 handed back his microphone to chatterers whose living depends on the warming scare – two green activists and a scientist from Climate System Science.”

…Packham describ[ed] the experience with the other taxpayer-funded national broadcaster…

“Briefly, at 7.30 request I came into Melbourne a three-hour drive and spent 50 minutes with the 7.30 folk. I estimate about 35 minutes was in interview. I was asked to confirm that the fires in NSW were unprecedented in being so early in the season. I said no, they were not and offered information from Luke and Mc Arthur “Bushfires in Australia -1976” (Aust Govt Publishing Service) which was not accepted.

When the question was put as to the role of global warming, again I said “not involved”. That was not an acceptable answer and it was clear that it did not fit with the predetermined agenda. My sadness at the termination of my life-long love of the ABC because of this very unethical journalism – at least of the news division – is not only sadness but also a touch of fear for our democracy.”

Packham is to be congratulated for risking ostracism from the science establishment for telling the plain truth. But, one must also wonder why it’s only taken him until now to notice how unethical and agenda-driven the taxpayer-funded broadcasters are.
