1NEWS Carries Water for Chris Cahill
1News continues to push the Police Association’s agenda against Nicole McKee. It is a farcical argument, but it seems it is growing legs as the police union boss comes under fire for his botched police pay negotiations.
Replay Radio – The Crunch
Cam speaks with guests "Gareth" about his special visit from Police and Hugh Devereaux-Mack about the appalling attack on Nicole McKee byt Chris Cahill.
Face of the Day
His mother Vicki Lawrence says he was given the send-off of a “true gentleman”.
When Is a Marae Not a Marae?
Maori arrogance has run smack into Aboriginal wokeness and it isn't pretty.
A Speech We Should Take Note Of
Richard Prebble takes a good hard look at Christopher Luxon’s speech to the National Party conference and finds there is much to admire.
Looks Like Luxon Got One Right
Normally he has tits for hands but on this issue Christopher Luxon has the right of it. Naturally the opposition banshees are squawking: a sure fire way of knowing he’s right over the target.
You Had Your Say in 2019, Now STFU
The Police Association has never been the same since Greg O'Connor left for parliament and was replaced by Chris Cahill, who can best be described as a functional idiot.
If Is a Long Way from When
Labour spokesperson only talking about 'if' Labour gets back in as they oppose the educational reforms the public are crying out for.
Replay Radio – The Crunch
Cam speaks with guests Chris Trotter about the Green Party and Alwyn Poole about the appalling state of education in New Zealand.