Cut like Your Political Future Depends on It, Because It Does
If this government doesn’t get all DOGE on government expenditure, then they are probably toast. Managing the economic decline, albeit slightly better than Labour, isn’t a solution.

How the Left Could Ratf*ck Luxon
This is a fairly simple play but the Labour Party is filled with exceptionally simple people who fail to make the simple plays time and time again. It is almost as if they want to maintain Luxon in place.

Couldn’t Lead a Trail of Ants to a Jam Jar
After the train crash interview with Mike Hosking, it seems certain that Luxon’s time as prime minister may have come to an end.

There is no Luxon Faction
Politicians need allies and they need factions. Those are the people others have to go through to get to the king. Does Christopher Luxon have any loyalists?

Sometimes You Need a Bit of Mirth in Politics
Politics can get way too serious at times, so it’s always a bit of fun to do something different once in a while.

Do National MPs Support Luxon?
Luxon has already lost those he has shafted and now he is losing those who will lose their seats because he is so unpopular.

Add Another to the List of Nat MPs Wanting to Roll Luxon
Andrew Bayly has gone: he says resigned, but we all know how it works. He’ll now be another National MP on the list against Luxon.

Face of the Day
The Vatican said Sunday that after Saturday’s crisis, the pope had slept well.

The Coming National Coup
Like most National leaders, no one could ever accuse Luxon of having convictions or believing in anything other than he should be running things.

This Woke Rainbow Washing Nonsense Needs to Stop
Why can’t they stick to reading to kids in libraries? At least if they are reading to kids they won’t crash planes.

Perhaps It’s Time to Call In Big Balls?
Christopher Luxon should call Donald Trump and ask if we can have Big Balls seconded to sort out our public service.