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Guest Post

Time to Break up the Supermarket Duopoly

Time to Break up the Supermarket Duopoly

An embarrassing big con is being sold to New Zealanders. Hopefully the politicians and public soon learn to look beyond the duopoly’s plea to only have tweaks made to their dominance and then genuine reform can come.

Members Public
Is Costello Fit to Be a Minister?

Is Costello Fit to Be a Minister?

It’s possibly just a coincidence that the reforms that the new minister has now implemented are the same as the various lobbying documents advocate, but there’s plenty of room to reasonably speculate about the linkages.

Members Public
Green Foods Fail Olympics

Green Foods Fail Olympics

Like green energy, green food for humans is proving a disastrous choice. Pretending humans are herbivores and granivores has accompanied an epidemic of ill health.

Members Public
Attempting to Depoliticise the Fast Track Bill?

Attempting to Depoliticise the Fast Track Bill?

The power to send applications to the expert panel will now be concentrated in the Office of the Minister of Infrastructure, Chris Bishop. Regional Development Minister Shane Jones and Transport Minister Simeon Brown will lose their power.

Members Public