They Want You to Forget About Covid, Don’t Let Them
Another five years into the future, and it will shock you how much Covid never happened. Don’t let that happen. Keep talking about it.
Another five years into the future, and it will shock you how much Covid never happened. Don’t let that happen. Keep talking about it.
I fear this corruption will only become stronger when the bill inevitably dies on the parliament floor. You must tell people how they are being robbed – and warn them that, if no changes are made, more will be taken from them in the future.
Whenever another person tells you something unsolicited that smells like a social code for cool, make it clear that you understood the code but hold it in contempt.
But do not be confused. Tamaki’s enemies are communists and they have power.
The West has been dead since 2 February 1943 and the Americans held the knife. Acceptance is the final stage of mourning.
Winston Peters won’t change Luxon’s mind. But you can. You can offer to fund any new infrastructure projects. You can choose to invest in New Zealand and build a home for your grandkids where the people in power are incentivised to do the right thing.
All prime ministers are political eunuchs. Please try to keep that in mind.
If you like Western civilisation, you should encourage a confident Germany, because within the Black Forest beats the heart of the European spirit.
Let me give you a hint: exceptions are never decided in the White House.
The hungry ghosts of our ancestors have a plan for us. And they are smarter than you can possibly appreciate.
By introducing a false binary, you can easily steer people to the next logical conclusion, like redirecting a river.
Social media has repeatedly been proven the best way to win without explosions.
The native British were just told the truth, and if they do nothing, they will all be complicit in their own destruction.
People are different, and that’s both entirely OK and entirely the problem.
If Trump chooses to forgive his enemies, he will become exactly like Caesar.