Family First Calls for Public Action
With a January 20 deadline looming, Family First is urging supporters to take five minutes to voice their concerns about puberty blockers.
With a January 20 deadline looming, Family First is urging supporters to take five minutes to voice their concerns about puberty blockers.
New Zealand is dipping its toes back into the Middle East. With a desert climate serving as a natural barrier to agriculture, the GCC countries are particularly willing buyers of New Zealand’s food exports.
The free-market miracles that transformed West Germany and Japan into economic powerhouses within a decade are so incredibly remarkable that one has to ask, “Why don’t Americans learn about them in public schools today?”
A libertarian wishlist for a new-look Victorian Liberal Party that has a chance to re-imagine itself as the suburban hero Victoria needs… well, we can always dream!
Facebook is trying to realign itself to stay relevant. But will it go beyond paying mere lip service to those demanding freedom?
It appears the tide is turning on woke culture. Let’s hope these waves quickly make their way to NZ shores.
I think I’ve gathered more than enough evidence to show that, rather than being the ‘queen of empathy’, Ms Ardern is a sociopath.
Patents expert Dr David Martin has stated that there are at least 3,099 patents on H5N1, making bird flu a gold mine for many if a ‘pandemic’ can be generated.
I still get told by fellow doctors that they are not seeing this association. I now know why. Not one doctor had enquired about their vaccine history.
This is the overarching strategic threat that we must vanquish, starting in 2025.
Republicans addled by Trump Derangement Syndrome and who cozied up to the left have been disgraced and discarded.
But not the way he expected. The outgoing leader managed to unite his nation: most of which now hates him.
There are too many to name, but you’ll have a good idea of who they are. They expand everyone’s space, sense of determination and resolve.