Reproduced with permission
Why Don’t We Trust Ordinary People?
Whenever I hear the descriptors ‘far right’ and ‘populist’, I hear instead the frustrated lament of the despised and disregarded ordinary citizen.
A Designed Death: An Exploration of Choices
Is it a stretch to imagine socialized medicine promoting the much less costly designed death over adequate end-of-life care that results in a natural death?
Here Is What We Can Learn From His Legacy
“Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made president should on no account be allowed to do the job.” – Douglas Adams
This Gives Only an ‘Illusion of Relief’
Freedom activist Tom Morazzo’s tweet challenged systemic issues in Canada in the wake of the resignation of Justin Trudeau.
New Zealand Needs Leadership With Vision
Where is the strong leadership? Where is the inspiring vision that could unite this nation and guide us toward a better future? We need to reject hollow careerism in politics and prioritise leaders who bring real-world experience, courage and vision to the table.
Farewell for Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming Confirmed
Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming will be farewelled with a special funeral service to be held at 1pm on Thursday 16 January at the Trafalgar Centre in Nelson.
Not Even Beautiful Hawaii Is Immune to ‘Tax Flight’
The Aloha State is finally facing the problem.
Where the Eagles Soar
Healing takes more than words. We need a shift in our priorities. We must stand as one people, under one flag, and focus on meaningful projects that make our lives better.
Migrants Are Triple the Rate
Foreign nationals have accounted for almost 67 per cent of arrests for sexual offenses in the City of London.
Waking up From the Dream of Biotechnology
If we give in, we will be providing a helping hand to our ‘friends’ in America who will then toddle off to Europe and ask them to follow suit. “See, New Zealand did it, now it’s your turn.”