More Crime and Punishment Madness
I’ll offer generous odds both pieces of rubbish will offend again. And why not given the repercussions are so absurdly light.
I’ll offer generous odds both pieces of rubbish will offend again. And why not given the repercussions are so absurdly light.
Tariana Turia and I disagreed on a number of issues, but I greatly admired her integrity and her courage. She was a fine New Zealander.
Let’s move this new year along, please and thank you.
Deleting the heroes of science is a great way to demoralise and divide a generation.
Biozest provides an environmentally friendly alternative to biotech drugs such as Bovaea, which is used to reduce methane production in ruminants.
The lack of a labelling requirement speaks volumes about the disregard of public wishes. We need more safeguards than those currently in the HSNO legislation, not their removal as this bill proposes.
It’s not about fairness: it’s about control.
The vaccine is the intellectual property of those who created the bioweapon, and it is worth a fortune once the weapon has been unleashed. It is as simple as that.
Maybe it is time to lower the walls of our ideological purity, drop the intellectual piety and pick our battles more carefully.
This points to an Orwellian future for motorists.
Oxitec has now set its sights on Australia, with an application to release genetically modified mosquitoes in Queensland currently under consideration.
Submissions on the Treaty Principles Bill close tomorrow.
The public will be required to opt in because they will no longer be able to find out whether they are buying, eating or being prescribed biotech products.
A likely reduction in Whānau Ora funding rattles Te Pāti Māori.
The Australian government will most probably go back to the drawing board and hope to revive the bill in the new year.