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Stephen Berry

Stephen Berry is compiling this guide on the Auckland Local Body elections as an independent commentator. His recommendations are based on his own research and are not on behalf of any organisation. P

Holidays for Everyone Else

Holidays for Everyone Else

If national holidays are going to exist, and I’m not convinced they should, then the last thing they should do is celebrate everything that New Zealand isn’t.

Members Public
Immigration NZ Is Not a Censor

Immigration NZ Is Not a Censor

A range of controversial speakers have included New Zealand in their international speaking tours. None of them should have to wade through a murky process to determine whether Immigration NZ believes allowing them to speak in NZ serves the subjective and arbitrary ‘public interest’.

Members Public
Gradual Escalation of the War on Booze

Gradual Escalation of the War on Booze

While it is a relief that the current Government is adopting a less draconian approach to tobacco, so far they are silent on the creeping community totalitarianism that attacks the liquor industry and their customers.

Members Public