All Aboard the Trump Train!
Can the Trump train derail NZ’s three big scams – the Treaty, climate change and Covid?
Can the Trump train derail NZ’s three big scams – the Treaty, climate change and Covid?
This has absolutely no basis in history and appears a very poor excuse for not taking proper care of your children.
In the culture stakes, the Māori waka is streets ahead of anyone else.
Public awareness and uncensored discussion are the only avenues available to protect democracy from humanity’s best efforts to destroy itself by exploiting the unwitting.
The MCNZ has given itself two headaches: the first is erosion of trust in the NZ medical industry and the second is the growth of its competition in the form of natural and alternative medicines and practices.
Why would American voters be suspicious about their free and fair election?
Despite growing evidence of failed and injurious mRNA vaccines and their unknown long-term health effects, NZ health authorities are still promoting the Covid vaccines as safe and effective and media are silent on the subject. Shame on them!
Whether Team Trump achieves their goal depends on two things: the level of Trump support where public awareness of the facts is crucial; and a fair election free from political interference. Fighting the government and MSM is asking a lot.
The Disinformation Project takes a close look at social media platforms, which they call an “online ecosystem”, but shows no interest in MSM platforms.
TVNZ uses BBC news on the Israeli-Hamas conflict as a source for broadcasting to their dwindling audience.
My personal response to having te reo shoved up my nose is to reject it altogether.
The UK, Canada and the USA are in the same boat with illegal migration, but NZ and Australia not so much because we are remote. The globalists haven’t forgotten about us, though.
The projected cost blowout of $775m to $3.2b for two interisland ferries.
It's not the enemies outside your gate that should be feared: it's those inside your country who do the damage.