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Photo credit: Free NZ

Free NZ

We have some wonderful news about Baby W.

As you can see from his irrepressible joy in the photos, he is now finally fully thriving, with Sam and Cole having had the courage to reach out to some very wise American medical advisors who helped them wean him off the tube that has been going directly into his stomach with supplements, and stopping him from being able to fully breastfeed and to comfortably eat solids.

Sam could not find the help she needed, in terms of advice for weaning a baby off this tube, in New Zealand (this is something that our paediatric healthcare system needs to urgently rectify to aid babies and parents in this post-op situation). But in the endlessly brave Sam way, she did her research and found the best advisors from overseas.

You can see from these pictures how happy the twins are at home with their parents and their older brothers and all the animals. We have an updated interview coming shortly here on FreeNZ showing them all out in the fields with the new baby calves, the chooks, the pig, the goats, the mayhem and the family happiness.

Meantime, would you please join, in spirit, our little tribe who are going to savour and celebrate the first deliciously special birthday of Baby W and Baby J next weekend?

As with the last six months since we broke this story about this brave little fighter Baby W, the family feel and deeply appreciates the loving thoughts and endless support that comes to them and their babies, from around New Zealand and around the world. They don’t know if their baby or they would have survived the traumas of that dark period of a forced operation without your help.

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It does still haunt us all to think of that crucial interview with two highly experienced and trained and deeply compassionate overseas specialists, who confirmed Baby W could have waited until after Christmas for an operation, and that it was not urgent. They were willing to operate in America for free and to help him get there, Liz Gunn had reached out immediately after that interview to a high net-worth Kiwi willing to help Baby W fly there to get the operation with unjabbed blood. Whether her phone was being monitored we will never know, but that very night, the kidnap of Baby W happened.

The family freely acknowledge that they would not have survived that forced uplift and police trauma and horrific pre-operative period, without the love you sent, wrote, and thought. Sam will talk in our next interview about the recovery from the post-traumatic stress, and how your loving thoughts and messages helped them both keep going. She and her husband and her son are endlessly brave and incredibly resilient. But the whole horrific unfolding of events leading to his operation and very slow recovery shone a light on something dark and deeply unsettling to any humane Kiwi, in NZ’s current health and governmental systems. Kiwis now see that. And from around the world, also, millions still want to know about Baby W and are equally disgusted at how his case was handled with maximum stress to the whole family in the name of “health”. They did not get away with the lies and perhaps it was even a reason why the WHO and UN had to get the then-PM out of office before more exposure of her true motivations and masters, occurred. Awakened humans are very smart and very educated and many have written to say they also can see the larger picture behind the horrors perpetrated on Baby W.

But W has made it through.

That is what matters and that is what we are asking you to join us to support.

If you would like to send a note to them you can add a message under our Substack article and we will show them all the messages and read some out, at the party next weekend.

And if you wish to support the family with a gift, the most useful gift for them would be a financial contribution so you can add that to the Buy Me A Coffee page below or directly. For either or both, we offer you our deepest thanks.

The unification that came from Baby W, the reminder that our human souls and hearts are so much bigger and so much more powerful than pathetic, manipulative, dishonest, dishonourable human beings, has been one of the most heartening and reassuring and lasting gifts of the whole Baby W story.

We are each so powerful when we combine in Love and Truth, and this little baby reminded us all, of that abiding purpose for each of our lives when we choose to live our lives in honour and integrity.

Happy Birthday Baby W and Baby J! One year old! And to your brave and loving parents, our deepest respect for doing all that you could and doing what was right and brave. We love you all.

Direct Donation: Samantha Savage
Account Number: 06-0663-0388886-00

Happy Birthday Bro!


World Class Tosh

World Class Tosh

If Harvey and Taylor genuinely believe that a waterfront museum filled with mythological nonsense will spawn a massive change of direction, then the asylum beckons and probably straitjackets for them both.

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