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Back in 2012 Maori Wanted Control of Our Water

red mail box on road
Photo by the blowup. The BFD.

Jim Cable

In the process of perusing and deleting some old files, I came across this letter I’d written to John Key back in 2012.

I’d forgotten all about it – along with whether or not he ever replied.

However to me, the essential point it reveals is that Maori were making determined efforts back then to seize control of our nation’s water all those years ago – which it would seem, most people have also forgotten.

The so-far-unsuccessful He Puapua stunt with differently “categorised” efforts at persuasion was obviously a sly and back-door attempt to achieve the same thing.

Their actions, then and now, in pursuit of such a foul objective are self-seekingly loathsome and utterly scurrilous.

30 August 2012

The Rt. Hon. John Key

Prime Minister

Parliament Buildings



The pretended issue of Maori Water Rights.

The result of Labour government efforts to solidify relations with their then Maori adherents has been the fact of almost irreparable damage to the relationship of Maori with all other New Zealanders.  (I don’t use “pakeha” or “non-Maori,” they diminish my own sovereignty.)  Geoffrey Palmer’s short-sighted ineptitude saw 1975 Labour’s throwaway line, “Treaty principles,” in 1984 become enshrined in law.  Despite the warm and lofty statements of the time, it’s undeniable that, ever since, Maori and the rest of us have been cast on diverging paths – Maori rapaciously encouraged, as never imagined by Palmer or other self-serving Labour idiots, by the sheer size of the “returns” their “grievance” industry was enabled to manipulate and sustain – in so many cases without any real justification.  We’ve seen every gain become a fulcrum for Maori, by means of which other greater, and less and less justifiable, gains have been levered.  Although never intended by the signatories of the Treaty, Maori have resultantly acquired a signal and completely undue advantage over every other New Zealander.

Sir, not only must this nonsense be stopped – it must be reversed.  Every settlement “awarded” as a result of Labour’s 1984 legislation must revert back to the Crown.  Everything – absolutely everything!

The Waitangi Tribunal has prostituted itself to an extent that most would never have believed possible.  With the emergence of the Maori grab for water, Eddie Durie, former High Court judge for 20 years, revealed the actuality of his unsuitability to have held any sort of legal position in our system when he spoke on TV of “pakeha law” being different to “Maori law.”  His was an incredible statement from someone upon whom so much of the Waitangi Tribunal’s “determinations” had depended.  Such blatant trickery and demonstrable greed has scuttled any prospect of government ever again acknowledging any substance in Maori claims.  Patently, neither the Waitangi Tribunal nor Maori claimants can be trusted to have acted properly in the joint interests of our nation.  Maori are the ones who have abused the “Treaty process” – the rest of us have been cheated time after time.

Now, with “water,” Maori must have known there wasn’t the remotest chance that even the most PC-addled New Zealander, whose tolerance towards past “claims” and “grievances” has been ultra-stretched, would ever okay nonsense like anyone “owning” our water.  In pursuing that exorbitant, fatuous goal, Maori alone have destroyed their former standing and blown their credibility forever.  Even more incredibly, they’ve undermined the validity of every single settlement made under Labour’s 3rd “settlement” of the Treaty.  The credibility of Sharples, Turia, Harawira et al, is non-existent- and nothing, but nothing, can ever restore it.

That outrageous, exploitative greed of Maori demands further counter-measures.  We must dump the intended-as-only-temporary Maori seats and scrap the Waitangi Tribunal, together with every PC-item of legislated racism.  In addition, we must demand back every “settlement” made consequent to 1985 Labour’s legislation of “Treaty principles.”

The gains and benefits to Maori being as substantial as they were, the converse must be that penalties for such huge breaches of trust, and such signal attempts to defraud, should be of equal severity.

Only with those remedies completed would we then have the chance to head into a common future as the “one people” intended by the Treaty.
