Commitment and loyalty do not appear to be traits that today’s backstabber of the day Denise Lee has judging by her political track record and her disloyal actions this week towards both National leader Judith Collins and the National party.
Denise Lee stood for C&R and then at the next election turned her coat to stand for a Michelle Boag inspired ticket which predictably crashed and burned. She then abandoned ship to become an MP. This week her disloyalty and lack of commitment to the National Party was made obvious when a critical e-mail that she wrote to other National MPs was leaked to the media.
Newshub has been leaked an email showing National MP Denise Lee criticising leader Judith Collins’ plan to review Auckland Council as a “highly problematic idea”.
Collins announced on Monday a review of Auckland Council to the surprise of her Auckland Council spokesperson Lee.
Lee […] also panned it as “another working group” and said it would be “a nightmare”.
I cannot help at this point but compare Lee’s actions to the strength of character shown by Judith Collins who when thrown under the bus by John Key stayed loyal to him and the National Party despite a number of wrongs done to her by him which have been described in her book. She put the good of the party ahead of her own personal circumstances and now quite reasonably will be expecting the same level of loyalty from all her MPs.
At such a crucial point in the election campaign, the person who wrote the e-mail and the person who leaked it to the media deserve nothing but contempt from their colleagues. If both the writer and the leaker are Denise Lee then her actions are beyond the pale.
Backstabber of the day. Denise Lee MP for Maungakiekie
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