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Baker Knocks the Debate Out of the Park

Chantelle Baker. Photo credit: Chantelle Baker FB Page

Olivia Pierson

This interview with Chantelle Baker on the Platform is magnificent!

For those of us who lived for a spell in Freedom Village back in February, she and her father, Leighton Baker, were an organic part of the glue that held the protest together through Chantelle’s raw, alpha authenticity and smarts. Truthfulness has a shine of its own, echoed by our Voices for Freedom ladies: Claire Deeks, Alia Bland and Libby Jonson. These patriotic ladies absolutely helped to make our wounded country during our summer in February 2022 worth living – and it was simply an extraordinary experience for New Zealand.

To see an attempt to vilify the whole movement by a state-funded documentary looking for racist, white supremacist Nazis under every rock, again, was just laughable! Ordinary Kiwis who love harmony, decency, humour, earthiness and the traditional way of life are just bored to death with that kind of divisive rhetoric, while actual harms are perpetuated upon us by the people who claim their dictats for our welfare are “safe and effective.”

Fire and Fury is a coven of tax-payer-funded female propagandists paid to instruct the nation that these women *over here* need to be cut down at all costs; the tall poppies who disagree with the government/media narrative. Chantelle Baker is one of the most approachable women on the planet – why did they not interview her when she was the main target of their hit job?   New Zealand only has 5 million people! Too telling.

Plunket dishes out the expected second-hand forage on low-hanging fruit questions – but hell! He’s not a complete idiot, he recognises a strong talent when he’s trying to knock one down, but can’t, and offers her a job when she tells him she is building her own media platform. Independence is gold in contrast to these morally mixed enterprises and gold is what Chantelle actually is – she’s too good to be any platform’s whipping girl.
