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Barnaby and Pauline Grab Headlines Again

A face to send a shiver up a wet spine. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Barnaby Joyce really is back – grabbing headlines and making the media-elite clutch their pearls.

Of course, what makes the media luvvies and the tiny clique of Twitter activists they slavishly follow reach for the smelling salts doesn’t necessarily bother actual voters. As Australian columnist Chris Mitchell recently wrote, Australia’s media class is increasingly out of touch with the vast majority of Australians.

Journalists crowd into a very exclusive selection of inner-city suburbs of Sydney and Melbourne – and rarely leave. Their only contact with what they imagine to be “Australia” is their Twitter feed. Yet Twitter users are a minority in Australia: a very skewed one. Twitter users are mostly well-off, university educated millennials in the cities.

These are the people who obsess about climate change, refugees, and every other woke issue.

And they’re horrified by the likes of Barnaby Joyce and Pauline Hanson. Both of whom are making news.

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce has been fined for failing to wear a mask while paying for petrol in a regional New South Wales town[…]

Mr Joyce is believed to have been inside the petrol station for less than a minute before being spotted by a member of the public, who reported him to Crime Stoppers for breaching the state’s mask mandate.

So some Stasi-lite snitched on someone for not putting on a useless muzzle for less than 60 seconds, in a rural area of one of the least COVID-affected places on Earth?

For that, the police scoured security cameras to track down the Maskless Offender and handed out a fine?

NSW Police confirmed officers attended a service station at Armidale after receiving a Crime Stoppers report in relation to a possible breach of Public Health Orders about 8am yesterday.

Police said CCTV footage at the petrol station was checked and a 54-year-old man was issued with a Penalty Infringement Notice (PIN) for not wearing a fitted face covering while indoors.


Does anyone besides Karen from Twitter see the ludicrousness of the whole affair? Or is it more likely that a populace wearied to death of the unending fear-mongering and those useless, frustrating muzzles, will just roll their eyes and move on?

Meanwhile, Pauline is out there, saying what no other politician dares.

Last week, she infuriated the left-elite by successfully moving a motion in the Senate to ban Critical Race Theory from Australian schools. Symbolic as that may be, it was a hugely important symbol.

Naturally, the media-left screeched and lied through their teeth that CRT isn’t being taught in Australian schools.

“If people think it’s a joke, it’s not happening, it is because in the draft national curriculum it’s about this ideology, it’s about sex and your colour,” Ms Hanson said.

“It’s about destroying what the Australian people voted for in 1967.

“We’re all Australians together there should be equality out there now they’re undermining the whole lot, filling our kids’ heads with absolute rubbish.

“And we’re going to have big problems in this country.”


And the quiet Australians once again cheer, “Onya, Pauline!”

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