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Beating Lockdown with a Party at Dan’s


Remember, Victorians, when you weren’t allowed to visit your dying mothers? When you had to watch your grannie’s funeral over Zoom? When you could be arrested for playing golf, going to the beach, or taking your kid for a driving lesson?

Well, you can take some comfort that it wasn’t entirely bleak in Dictator Dan’s Victoria during the world’s longest lockdown. Some people got to party to their heart’s content.

Health bureaucrats were busted partying during Victoria’s 2021 lockdown when a team of quarantine staff was caught breaking the rules.

While millions of Victorians endured the state’s fourth lockdown during winter last year, a team of Covid Quarantine Victoria workers, responsible for managing hotel quarantine, thumbed their noses at the rules to throw a farewell party for a colleague.

Aw, wasn’t that nice for them?

Remember how a British prime minister was just forced to resign for allowing parties at No. 10 during lockdown?

Rest assured, Dan’s fearless Kovid Kops were on the case.

The event on June 4 last year, held in a CQV office a week after Victoria entered lockdown on May 28, prompted investigations by the agency and Victoria Police […]

All those present were stood down and interviewed by police for possible breaches of chief health officer directions.

Ultimately, no fines were issued and the matter was referred back to CQV.

An internal CQV investigation found most of those in attendance did not stay longer than about an hour after their shift.

At least two of the guests kicked on until late in the evening; one employee was subsequently booted from the agency.

The other attendees were cautioned but kept their jobs.

“Only” an hour — at a time when Victorians who aren’t public servants were being chased down the street by truncheon-wielding cops, if they were so much as suspected of abusing their exercise privileges.

Opposition health spokeswoman Georgie Crozier slammed the bureaucratic disregard of the rules.

“While schools and businesses were closed and families forcibly separated, Daniel Andrews‘ bureaucrats partied and ate cake,” she said.

“Daniel Andrews’ hotel quarantine fiasco resulted in deaths, while government staff partied.”

Herald Sun

That’s the bigger picture which should never be forgotten: while these bureaucrats were whooping it up on the taxpayer dollar, at least 800 people died directly as a result of the catastrophically bungled hotel quarantine scheme they were supposed to be running.

Something the entire Andrews government has, so far, avoided all responsibility for.
