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What socialist doesn’t love a good burning? The BFD.



One of the features of Japan during World War Two was the numerous atrocities they committed throughout East Asia: everything from the Burma railway to Changi Prison, to refusing to acknowledge the Geneva Convention. All sorts of awful stuff. An often-overlooked fact about Japan’s conduct is a large amount of the worst atrocities occurred between Iwo Jima and Hiroshima – in other words, when the war was lost for them.

I have always viewed the modern left-wing insanity in a similar way, hence having a surprisingly positive view of the future long term. The more insane left-wing stuff is happening in a period when the game is up for them; we just need to hold things together until elections confirm their day is over.

We are told that woke left-wing socialism is ascendant: backed up with vigorous head nodding by ‘experts’ all agreeing with each other. Yet the left have been king hit twice in America in recent days – not only with the Dobbs decision by the Supreme Court, but also with overturning the last vestiges of ‘gun control’. On Thursday (overshadowed by events on Friday), the court struck down New York’s strict requirements for getting a permit to carry a handgun.

Ironically, two of the longstanding bastions of socialist thought were dumped in the rubbish bin of history – and leave the left wingers basically holed below the waterline as a result.

In America there are 43 states that are known as ‘shall issue’ states when it comes to gun permits: you apply and they shall issue the permit without much fuss, like getting a library card. In many of these states, there is no actual requirement to have a permit to carry a handgun, but the permit still exists if you want one.

In New York there was what is known as a ‘may issue’ situation. A similar thing exists in a handful of other states (the usual suspects). If you wanted a gun permit, you had to show cause and it was up to some civil servant to decide whether your constitutional right to bear arms would be honoured. In practice, 99.9 per cent of people were turned down. The Supreme Court has deemed this unconstitutional and struck it out.

New Yorkers will join people in low-crime parts of America in being able to go about their business with a concealed handgun – and woe betide any scumbag who seeks to rob, assault or otherwise inflict a criminal experience upon them (there’s a very good reason why you don’t hear of people being mugged in, say, Iowa or South Dakota).

So despite all the fake language, the fake causes, the fake genders, the wokeness and the endless insanity we’ve been subjected to for the last few years, all it took was two Supreme Court rulings and the left wingers were chopped off at the knee, then the other knee. The future really does belong to us: the good guys. I suspect the more thoughtful people on the left can see it too.

The sheer odiousness of these people, combined with a court that will continue to kneecap them with abandon, means their future looks bleak, especially when they can no longer campaign for votes on now rather-implausible claims there is any such thing as “pro choice” or “gun control”.

For them the war is lost.
