We all know that the Chinese government has lied, lied, and lied again about the Chinese virus. In fact, Beijing has lied so much that the only hard part is trying to figure out just what they’re not lying about. That includes the origins of the virus.
The suspicion that the Chinese government deliberately engineered the virus as a bio-weapon, which then either escaped or was released from a government lab in Wuhan, is repeatedly dismissed as a looney conspiracy theory. Just ignore all the evidence that points right in that troubling direction.
Evidence that China is assiduously covering up.
A year-long hunt by The Mail on Sunday and Western intelligence officials for a Chinese lab researcher believed to be the world’s first COVID-19 patient has been thwarted by a suspected state cover-up.
The strange disappearance of Huang Yanling, and her possible status as “Patient 0” in the Wuhan Plague, were first noticed by vloggers and China-watchers like Laowhy86 nearly a year ago. But, hey, who pays attention to YouTube conspiracy theorists?
Even when they’re right…
Huang Yanling, who worked at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, was named as Patient Zero in online reports that were widely shared inside China in the early weeks of the outbreak last February. The revelation created a direct link between the pandemic and the lab suspected to have accidentally unleashed it while conducting dangerous experiments on bat coronaviruses.
The reports did not say when she contracted the virus or if she survived. However, they support the US State Department’s belief she was the first of several researchers at the controversial institute who fell ill with COVID-19 in the autumn of 2019, before it was officially acknowledged.
Chinese government and lab officials stepped in swiftly to deny the reports at the time and remove them from the internet, claiming Huang was safe and well elsewhere in China.
A post purporting to be from Huang appeared on WeChat, China’s equivalent of WhatsApp, telling colleagues and teachers at the institute she was alive and insisting the reports were false.
The message read: ‘To my teachers and fellow students, how long no speak. I am Huang Yanling, still alive. If you receive any email [regarding the Covid rumour], please say it’s not true.’
Well, who can doubt that?
Inexplicably, however, Huang has disappeared from social media and has not been heard from since being identified as Patient Zero, while her biography and research history have been scrubbed from the institute’s website.
Almost one year on, the only trace of the student researcher is a grainy picture of her salvaged from the institute’s website and circulated on the internet.

Chinese social media users, refusing to believe malicious lies spread about the glorious Chinese Communist Party, implored Huang to come forward and quash forever the lying Western propaganda.
She never did. Instead, Beijing’s censors wiped any discussion of her from Chinese social media.
Huang remains an enigma, the only picture of her showing a woman in her 20s with long hair, peeking out from behind a colleague. Her name is included among the writers of three scientific papers issued by the Wuhan institute between 2013 and 2015, including research into staphylococcus bacteria.
Western governments and intelligence agencies are also understood to have tried and failed to locate Huang amid a ferocious crackdown on any challenge to China’s official narrative that the outbreak has no link to the Wuhan facility.
Daily Mail
We know for a fact that they’re lying about everything else, so when China declares that the outbreak is not linked to the lab, was not part of a bio-weapons program and was not leaked or released…why on earth should we believe them, this time?
Especially when we can see for ourselves just how rubbish biosecurity at its “secure” lab really is.

Pictures from inside Wuhan’s secretive Institute of Virology show a broken seal on the door of one of the refrigerators used to hold 1,500 different strains of virus – including the bat coronavirus which has jumped to humans with such devastating effect.
The pictures, first released by the state-owned China Daily newspaper in 2018, were published on Twitter last month, before being deleted.
Daily Mail
And that’s the thing about lying dictatorships: no matter how thorough their censors, no matter how deep and hungry the Memory Holes, they can’t hide everything.
Meanwhile, maybe Beijing didn’t deliberately engineer and unleash the virus on the world…but how would things have turned out any different if they had?
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