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Beijing’s Bullshit Artist in Full Flight

Chinese Deputy Head of Mission Wang Xining. Picture: Gary Ramage. The BFD

One of the hallmarks of communist regimes has been their ability to lie outrageously to people who know without doubt that they’re lying. The question is whether the recipients go along with the obvious lies or not. “To assent to obvious lies,” says Theodore Dalrymple. “Is in some small way to become evil oneself.”

China is rolling out its top gun bullshit-artists to lie through their teeth to the Australian public.

The worsening relationship between China and Australia is like a bad marriage where one partner is almost entirely to blame, according to Beijing’s deputy ambassador in Canberra, who delivered an astonishing speech on Wednesday in which he labelled Australia as treacherous and disrespectful.

This, just two days after it was revealed that China has been secretly stealing billions of dollars of intellectual property every year from Australia and its ally, the United States.

And six months after China’s culture of lies and cover-ups unleashed the Wuhan pandemic on the world.

Wang Xining said Australia had betrayed China by calling for an independent inquiry into the origins of the coronavirus — even comparing the disloyalty to a Shakespearean tragedy — before he delivered a bizarre defence of Beijing’s growing political and cultural presence in Australia, and dismissed questions about his country’s controversial Thousand Talents Plan.

In a provocative speech to the National Press Club, Mr Wang said Australia had deeply offended China in relation to COVID-19.

He said Australia did not consult China before calling for the inquiry into the origins of the coronavirus, despite the comprehensive strategic partnership between the countries.

You don’t consult with a thief before you arrest them, either. Nor do you consult with a bully before giving him a bloody nose.

But of all the obvious lies, this howler is the most blatant.

Mr Wang said[…]“China does not interfere in Australia’s internal affairs, nor do we have any intention to change Australia’s political and social culture,” he said.

Pay no attention to the Aldi bags full of cash, the students getting beaten up at pro-Hong Kong protests, the Falun Gong being harassed and assaulted by Beijing’s goons right on the steps of our national parliament.

Asked about the security threats posed by Beijing’s Thousand Talents Plan, which involves the recruitment of foreign scientists to work secretly for China, Mr Wang claimed those who joined the program simply wanted to “spread sunshine” on the bilateral relationship[…]

“It’s up to the scientists to decide where to work, who to collaborate (with), and who to marketise their future results (with).”

Which we know for a fact is a lie: the contracts they sign explicitly hand all intellectual property over to China.

As communists do, Wang boasted about the “success” of the system which murdered 100 million people.

The diplomat talked up his country’s “socialist” system, saying “Chinese discipline” had enabled the nation to recover from the coronavirus to the point that it was able to host beer and music festivals.

“If you look at some other countries that claim to be the lantern of democracy – people suffered, people died,” he said.

Mr Wang said the world should also not forget that Nazism and the White Australia policy both arose under democracies.

Under the very government that Mr Wang represents, 70 million people died in the Great Famine and the Cultural Revolution, not to mention Tiananmen Square. To illustrate simply the difference between the West and China: Even in the Nazi era, Germany never blazoned its currency with Hitler’s image. Half a century after his death, Mao, the worst mass-murder in human history, still proudly adorns the Yuan.

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