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Being Fed a Big Fat Lie

The BFD.

It’s so easy being Labour: just take gobs-ful of lies and then regurgitate same down the needy throats of voracious, unquestioning, and juvenile media-nesters who swallow them without hesitation.

Thus it was with Andrew Little condescendingly trivialising the sexual groping of a female prison officer in ‘alerting’ the public to the inherent ‘danger’ of the ‘three-strikes’ legislation. It’s no surprise that Little reverts to this particular fib as it seems to be a favourite of his, disgorging it as he did in 2018 when harrumphing the very same legislation.

The media and left duly chimed in the first time around, also describing the assault in the most trivial of terms. Is it any wonder our correction officers and women at large continue to endure harassment and assault with a willing left-wing machine so ready to defend the accused and dismiss the complainants when it suits their political cause? Within Labour, it’s a constant theme. Even those paragons of women’s ‘rights’ refused to condemn Andrew’s belittling “pinching the bottom of a prison officer” fib, awful Genter refusing to comment when approached at the time as ‘Minister for Women’. How very gutless.

The lovely gentleman involved: convicted of receiving stolen property (2011), possessing a knife in a public place (2012), robbery (Sept 2012), demanding to steal (Oct 2012), received a second-strike warning for aggravated robbery in 2014, just five months after receiving his first, and when serving that second-strike sentence chose to grope the officer, refused her order to report to the guard house in response to his assault, followed her to the exit gate and (initially) prevented her leaving. The predatory contempt, arrogance and physical intimidation all too harrowingly familiar to so very many women.

Little’s poster-boy did not receive the ‘maximum sentence without parole’ (another lie) as provided for in the three-strikes laws, the sentencing judge ruling that outcome as ‘grossly disproportionate’, a safety-fuse deliberately inserted in the legislation and re-used several times since in sentencing other offenders.

While Andrew bays to the wind ‘set my poor chillun free’ many, many others will simply say ‘I hope the rotten bugger learned a lesson he won’t forget’. Either way: Little certainly hasn’t.

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